Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Bird Cam: Female Starling









Here we have the female Starling. They're an invasive species to the US, so despite being pretty we are not a fan. Birders label them a "nuisance bird" and we call them bully birds since they come in swarms, muscle out all the others and eat up all the food. Whenever we can we chase them off. Of course the cowbird is also considered a nuisance bird since it does kind of the same thing, but we give them more of a pass since they actually belong here. Not the starling's fault of course, they're just doing what nature tells 'em to, but in large enough numbers they can cause real harm to other bird species, as invasive animals are wont to do. In some places there are bounties on them for that reason.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

We Stand With Ukraine











The prancing dipshit and his diapered puppet don't speak for us.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Coal It















It was fun to stand around the fire, talk and enjoy the heat. We'll definitely have to break this bad boy out more often!

Flame On















With just a little kindling the fire got quite big and very hot, plus the "smokeless" part worked as advertised.

Better Conflagrate Than Never















I'm ashamed to admit after Dad got us this awesome fire pit, it sat being used as a table for over a year. Well, no longer! It's cold and clear tonight, so we're gonna fire it up!

Saturday, March 1, 2025













We endure.