Friday, May 24, 2024













My mom, dad, and sister back in the day.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

More Blue












We're a little obsessed with the blue birds around here. For years they were a very rare sight, and now they seem to come around all the time which is awesome. They are such vibrant, beautiful creatures.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Precious Time












The Mad Hatter had a bad seizure a couple of days ago. The next morning she wouldn't walk so we took her to the vet with heavy hearts expecting it might be our last trip with her. They gave us a little hope and told us to give her some time, and two days later she's back on her feet. She's a tough old girl and we'll take whatever time we have with her.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Emergence 2















The cicadas being all white only lasts a very short time, then they turn this black and orange mix.

They have a strange life cycle. They hang out in the ground, sucking sap out of tree roots. Depending on the brood either for 13 or 17 years. Then, following this absurdly long stint in the soil, they emerge, sprout wings, make a ton of noise, have sex, and die within a few weeks. Their progeny return to the ground and do it all over again.

The Emergence












Starting about a week ago and building to max frenzy in the next few weeks, a great cicada emergence is upon is. It's a rare event where two groups are waking up during the same season. There’s the 17-year-group called Brood XIII and the 13-year group called Brood XIX. Meaning there will likely be billions, if not trillions, of the insects. It’s the first time since 1803 that these broods have emerged together.

North of us will be the hardest hit but already you can hear quite the din during the day as they sing their buggy song.

They come out of the ground as these brown looking things, but then shed this outer skin and emerge all white. There's these initial shells on about every surface outside.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Almost Mother's Day












Dad hosted Mother's Day this year and as always he put out a nice table and cooked the most amazing steaks!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Short Wang









The first Shadow Warrior game was pretty good. The second not as much and the third decidedly mixed. The comedic FPS adventures of Lo Wang continue. I enjoyed the story a lot more than the second one, but the gameplay was still repetitive. Although it didn't have a chance to get too repetitive because the game was very short. If I had paid full price I'd have been an unhappy camper, finishing it in just two sittings.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cinco De Mayo Con Dos Margaritas




The 5th of May with family. Tres margaritas at Dos Margaritas.

Friday, May 3, 2024

A Dollar









I wasn't initially all that interested in Robocop Rogue City, a FPS based on the movie series. While I like the first movie, the game didn't grab me. But then it got a bunch of good reviews, and my favorite thing happened, it went on sale for cheap. So I snapped it up. It was.... OK. Very rough around the edges with some terrible voice acting, but it also had its moments. I'll call it mediocre and move on.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Driving Range















Ol' Snack turns 16 today.  Soon it will be going off to college. Just yesterday I was taking grainy pictures of random things with a flip phone.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024











And so, May comes again.