Saturday, April 27, 2024
















Hot stuff out on the town!  Watch out Nashville.













The gala itself was very much like last year. It was in the same tent down in the Hyundai parking lot, though this year the Hyundai's provided weren't nearly as cool so we walked. The entertainment was provided by local band The Weeks. The sound system wasn't tuned the greatest but I still thought they were really good. The main difference tonight was they announced Monthaven will be expanding and building a whole new complex. We'll have to wait and see how that turns out!

A Splash Of Cash















In the back room there was a collection of photographs covering Johnny Cash's famous visit to Folsom Prison. It was interesting to look at, and I learned he actually played two different sets and then picked the best parts of them to put on the album. For some reason the picture of him between the two sets, resting and blowing smoke rings grabbed me. Though it was hard to get a good picture due to the reflective glass. 

Tree Of Color












I also particularly liked this one, maybe because we both love trees.

Flying By Ear II















The butterfly-elephant theme appeared a couple more times. 

Flying By Ear












The butterfly-elephant theme appeared a couple more times.

Astronaut Art















This was my favorite of his pieces on display, for obvious reasons.

Pachyderm Punch












This was Mari's favorite of his pieces on display, for obvious reasons.













This years' featured artist was named KRE8, and we really loved his stuff. Original and full of vibrant color he might have been our favorite artist to show at Monthaven so far.

Fancy Like II


The crew is back in finery for our second Magnolia Ball.

Kre8tive Theme












This year's "fan" program and booklet about the artist.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Sunny G












Gigi, soaking up some rays.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blues and Tattoos












That was the theme of the night. The tattoos were provided by press on tats at the front (we did not indulge), the blues came from a band called Super Honk.

One Crew Less












Only three of us this year, but we're still ready to have some fun.

Standard Time












Time does fly. Doesn't feel like it's been a year but we're back at the Standard in advance of this year's Monthaven Magnolia event.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Whale Of A View












We had a great dinner at Moby Dickie's, out on the patio with a view of the lake under perfect weather. Some meals are special.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pretty Plants












Always nice to see the garden blooming.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Short Swing









I thoroughly enjoyed the first edition of this series, simply called Spider-Man. I was going to play Spider-Man Miles Morales as soon as it released, but it got a lot of guff for being so short that many people thought it should have been a DLC (expansion) to the original not a full priced game. So I waited and got it on sale fairly cheap and I have to say I agree. While the gameplay and story were really good and I enjoyed it as much as the original, I finished it in just a few days. I probably would have been miffed if I payed 60 bucks for it.

Thursday, April 18, 2024













Mad had a bad seizure yesterday and it really took something out of her. We thought for a while we might have come to the end of this part of our journey with her. She seems to be slowly bouncing back, but she's almost 19, we're realistic about things. We'll enjoy the time we have with this sweet, persnickety little soul.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

From The Depths









I've been playing through some shorter games lately. Finished Dredge, a combination of fishing, exploring and Tetris with an interesting story. Just the right length, solid game mechanics. I enjoyed it a lot.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Winter Treasure












He proceeded to uncover some kind of large acorn or nut and munch it down on the deck railing. Must have been something he stored for winter, it's amazing how they can remember where they stash all their little snacks.

Garden Guest












Spotted this little fella digging in our flower garden this morning. It's rare a squirrel gets this close to the house.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Old Metal








Titanfall 2 came out in 2016 and was very well received but I never ended up playing it. They had a Steam sale where it was 2 bucks so I figured why not? It's a FPS where you switch between being a ground soldier and piloting a giant machine called a Titan. The graphics held up despite being eight years old and the story and voice acting were top notch. It's a shame there was never a 3rd.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

That's No Bunny












They arrived a little later than expected but Casie sent us these cool iridescent eggs that have dragons inside them for Easter! Take that bunny.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024













Told ya.

Monday, April 1, 2024














WOTM. Here's something a little different, Canis Lupaster aka an African wolf.