Thursday, January 18, 2024

Classic Three















The snow has been so light and powdery it wouldn't stick in a ball, but a little sleet this evening gave it enough wet to pack. So of course a snowman must be built! It's law!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Warm Gear












Hat, gloves, Arizona State hoodie, Mari-made Predators scarf. Can't go wrong.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Unofficial Measurement












Just shy of 7 inches of snow though we had some drifts as high as 9. We thought the official count would be less, but on the news it turned out 7.6 was the average. The yearly average for the Nashville area is historically 4.7 so we topped that in just one day!

Monday, January 15, 2024













Not content to just look at it from the deck, brave Mad plows into the chest deep snow.

Siberian Pup












Mad didn't get her walk this morning and might not for quite some time with temperatures being in the single digits. I read that vulnerable pets shouldn't go out for prolonged periods in temps under 20 degrees. And you know the internet is never wrong so until we get back up above 20, she's relegated to quick nips into the back yard.

As for us, we're grateful we have the big two, power and heat. Spoiled to have the lesser two, hot water and the internet. So we're weathering the weather OK so far, knock on wood!

Siberian Blast












Today marks the arrival of the so called Siberian Blast, a huge cold front sweeping down from Canada and enveloping most of the US in bitterly cold weather matched with lots of snow. As promised the temps dipped into the teens and the snow came down for hours.

Saturday, January 13, 2024













I didn't have much interest in Dragon's Dogma when it came out way back in 2012, but they recently began showing early tidbits about the sequel and it looks pretty good. So I went back and got the original on sale for 5 bucks and gave it a speed run. It was ok. Part of the problem was of course its a twelve year old game and that's reflected in the graphics and interface. The other part is I often find Japanese RPG plots to be a bit strange and nonsensical. We'll see once part 2 comes out and the reviews go up if its enough to coax me into buying it because the first one does not have me sold.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024













My work crew at Lisa's retirement (mostly, a few were out on vacation or sick .)

Quilt Off












My long time boss Lisa is retiring today, and as a farewell gift Mari and Dad collaborated on this quilt complete with her name and retirement date in the quilting.

Monday, January 8, 2024

No Game Is An Island










Coral Island is pretty much a clone of Stardew Valley with some better graphics. That's not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes these cozy farming and adventuring games are a nice break from more challenging ones. I put a good amount of time into it and enjoyed it for what it was, these kinds of games don't really have an "end" per se, just time to move on. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Pride Of Place















I have quite the collection of Jazz from across the years and they just released a really cool version of him, mostly metal, light up and fully articulated. Which my perfect wife bought for me of course!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024













The first wolf of the month of the year.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome To 2024



A new year is upon us, let's see what it shall bring!