Sunday, December 31, 2023













The end is nigh.

23 Skidoo












And so another year is coming to an end, we bid farewell to 2023 with some Italian blue champagne and leftover bundt cake from Dads' birthday.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mad Over The Holidays












Getting closer to another eve, this time New Year's. Mad is clearly very excited about it all.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Rainbow Fire















Our gift from Dad was a Tiki fire pit with a special cover so it can be used as a table when not alight. Said metal cover reflecting a little holiday spirit.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Santa's Bounty












A smaller but still very nice Christmas with just Mari, Dad, the dogs and myself. Dad is showing off his new smart watch.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fishy Traditions












With the Atlanta gang headed back home we settle in for our Christmas Eve traditional salmon soup.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Reindeer Games












Before a Christmas feast provided by Cracker Barrel, we played some games including this one where you have to stack differently shaped blocks on a wobbly base. Lonnie and Payton in particular enjoyed this one.













A good time was had by all, including a feisty little dog.

Happy Christmas












The best part is watching other people have fun opening their gifts!

Christmas Is When You Make It












It's Christmas morning! Sure a few days early but you take what makes family work! That's what it's all about anyway.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Biblically Good












A star guided us to Dos Margaritas this early Christmas Eve. Early because the Atlanta crew are coming up tonight but can't stay for actual Christmas so we are going to celebrate it tomorrow.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Hot and Hung















I had to go into work for a while so that means hot chicken for lunch! What could possibly be better than Christmas and hot chicken?! Stockings hand made from a kit by Mari and Mackenzie.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Parking Not












These signs mean nothing.

Waiting Patiently












Mackenzie was very good hanging out in the waiting room!

Follow Up















We're back at Vandy today so the doctor can make sure everything is going well with Dad's eye surgery. I liked this sign in the lobby.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Quick Eye












Dad had a minor surgery today to put a shunt in his eye, a little pressure relief tube to help maintain his sight. There were two GR, E's on the schedule today, his was the second one. They got him in and out surprisingly fast and all went well.

Monday, December 18, 2023

A Grand Week












Mackenzie is here for the week, then her Dad will come up with Payton for an early Christmas weekend.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Always Remember












We headed to our second remembrance at the funeral home tonight. They do a nice job and its worth taking a little time out just to reflect.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Pecker Pair












And a bit later, the Downy couple spent some quality time eating together. The male has the red marking on his head.

Big Pecker Little Pecker












We don't get to see him (or her) very often but the larger Red Bellied Woodpecker was visiting this morning, and hanging out with his smaller kin the Downy.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Calling For Backup












I hope we never need it, but we are now the proud owners of a generator. Not enough to run the whole house, but it's got enough juice to keep the fridge going, along with a few lights, charge our phones and do a few other things.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Powerful Heroes












It must have taken a herculean effort but NES has the power back on after just three days. I can't stress how bad things looked, how many power poles were snapped, and that fireball that took out the substation. Yet here we are on Tuesday when they said we'd be lucky to have power back by Friday, and we're home.

Thank you NES and all the volunteers from Kentucky, Georgia, and Indiana power crews who came to help out as well.

That blue tarp is the roof of our veterinary clinic. We hope to have them back soon!

Monday, December 11, 2023

Unfortunate Ollie's









This is a picture from the news of one of our favorite places to eat, Jolly Ollie's. We hope everyone is safe and they have a speedy return to business, we'll miss them until the doors open. We feel doubly bad because in 2019 they had a big fire and were closed for quite a while then too.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Safe Haven












We got a room at the Holiday Inn Express in Goodlettsville. Random choice as we tried calling several places that took pets. The first two didn't answer and the third was full. I'm glad it turned out the way it did though, our room is very nice and the staff are great as well. Such a relief to know we have a warm, powered place to stay.

Our plan was to use it as a base and then pop home when we need to, but it took us two hours to get here because Hendersonville is such a mess, so we'll see how things go. I know we're fortunate, our house is basically fine and we have the financial means to get a hotel for a week and not be scrambling for funds, but for us this takes a lot of stress off in these crazy times.

Near Miss












After a tense night in the dark we found out that the tornado went right down Main Street and did tons of damage. It was classified as EF2 with winds between 120 and 125 mph. At our house, just a short ways away, we barely got any wind and not much rain so to see the extent of the damage was shocking. It completely wiped out a major power substation in Hendersonville, you can see the explosion in several videos like:

This one here.

They are saying it will be up to five more days before we get power back and tonight temperatures are supposed to plunge. We could get by with our fireplace, but for safeties sake we found a hotel that takes pets and the five of us are going to stay there until things get back online. The five being myself, Mari, Dad, Maddie and Gigi.

This is us on the road. You can see a demolished building on the left that used to be a party supply store. Traffic is backed up for miles because almost every road is closed so there's only one way out of town, and that's towards Gallatin. Our hotel is in Goodlettsville but we'll have to head down to Gallatin, then take the freeway back.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Sitting In The Dark












A string of tornadoes cut through Tennessee tonight, including Hendersonville. Our power went out around 5:30 pm. Just waiting for news and power.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

This Tradition Keeps Popping Up












Oh yes, it's that time of year again. Maybe we should order Garrett more often? It never disappoints.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Dog's Dinner












Mari is in New York for a Christmas hang with Casie, so I'm on my own and that means high class meals like hot dogs and chips for dinner.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Princess Java












For our upcoming office Christmas party we've been asked to bring in some kind of fun mug to have hot chocolate or coffee in. So I got this one, you can never go wrong with Inigo Montoya.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Trifecta












Blue jay, cardinal, woodpecker.

Friday, December 1, 2023











Christmas is upon us, a new year approaches.