Friday, May 26, 2023

Graduation Recall III











And here's a good looking group.

Graduation Recall II











Here's me on graduation day looking young and cool. Mostly young.

Graduation Recall











Here's me on graduation day from Arizona State, circa 1998.
















We're doing a clean out and I came across my old graduation gown, which I'm going to finally let go of considering I didn't know I still had it. Its also dangerous to have in Tennessee, I might get dragged away. How about a flash back?

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Shut And Open Case II















Here open. Though you can see the bottom petal is starting to break so it probably won't close for much longer. Can't wait until she gets bigger and we get lots of flowers.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Shut And Open Case















Maggie the Magnolia is flowering again this year. It's interesting to watch the flowers, they close at night and open during the day until the petals get too weak to close anymore. Here closed.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

This Closet Smells















Our ex shower has been converted into a cedar lined closet and it looks and smells amazing.

Sunday, May 14, 2023













A special day and a special dinner for Mother's Day. Remembering one and celebrating another.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Stronger Together












We stayed for two hours, which is big for us. I don't see much hope on the horizon for this deep red state, but it's got to start somewhere.













The aforementioned lake. There were several herons wandering around which are always pretty to watch.

Dem Diners












We were a little afraid we'd be some of the only people there, but when we arrived cars were lined up down the block. There were a lot of people there, more than this picture reflects because the house it was at had a huge yard that extended down to a lake.

Politically Motivated












We've been going to a few Sumner County Democrats events, trying to find some hope in the increasingly bleak political landscape of Tennessee. Today they were throwing a dinner picnic so we decided to check it out.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Fence Sitter












Just hanging out, watching the neighborhood.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The Last View












If I wasn't able to work from home I would miss it a lot more, but I will still miss the great view from our office windows. Especially the river and the ballpark.

The Last Break












Before COVID took us all home, which turned out to be permanent eventually, I ate a whole lot of lunches and read a whole lot of books in this break room.

The Last Tower












We are doing a last clean out of our offices at Parkway Tower in anticipation of moving in a couple of months. Hard to believe fourteen years ago I started working at JIS in this building.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Rolling With Royals












Mari and I watched the coronation of King Charles today. It was quite a spectacle, a mix of fascinating, silly, and impressive. Also fun because we could look at places and say "We've been there!" as well as seeing the royal carriage in use, which we've seen in person!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

To Everything There Is A Season




As of today I've been plugging away at this little picture blog for fifteen years. So many things have changed in that time, who could have known what all it would cover. Wonderful trips, events, things done and games played. The passing of pets, of grandparents, parents, and the passing of my mom. Good times, bad times, happy times, sad times. We shall see what the next fifteen bring!

Monday, May 1, 2023










It's going to be hard to top April, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.