Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sneaky Snack












Just a quickly snapped pic of the family, all too rarely together, as we clean up after dinner. Jenni, Steve, Mari, and Dad.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Family Quilts












The family in front of some of the quilts. Dad, Patty, Pam, Me, Mari, Jenni, and Steve.

Gann You Hear Them Blues















He was really good and quite a character. I got to talk to him for a moment afterwards.

150 Lbs Of Blues












The evening ended with a concert given by blues man Gil Gann and his two guitars "Freddie May" (being played) and "Roxanne", who's catch phrase was that he was "150 lbs of the blues."

Monthaven Memorial III












A total surprise to Dad, they announced they were starting a program in Mom's honor. The Susan Greer Fabric Circle will meet once a year for all things textile, with classes from professionals covering quilting, crocheting, fabric choosing, and anything else textile related. They also gave Dad a nice plaque which said many of the same things. It was a very nice speech that got both the presenter and Dad teary eyed.

Monthaven Memorial II












There was a nice display that had Mom's picture, talked a little about her and had a binder with more exampled of the quilts she'd done.

Monthaven Memorial












Finally in the back room there was a small display of some of Mom's quilts, the blue one and the southwestern style one are from Mari and I. Kind of strange to see them on display and have people walk by to study them when we usually have them on our beds.

African American Art












The other main galleries had art displays from two local African American artists. I particularly liked this one for reasons I can't quite put my finger on.

Herstoric Quilts II












The other section of quilts. They said that the quilts will be part of a tour around the United States. It's nice to know something my Mom did will be seen by other people in other places, a little piece of her memory touching other lives.

Herstoric Quilts












And here is one section of the quilts on display.

History History















Here is the plaque on the wall that talks about the origins of the quilt project and the contributions Mom and Dad made to it.





Mom and Dad have worked with Monthaven Art Center several times, mostly in regards to helping put together a series of Black History quilts. Those quilts are going on display starting tonight, and they are also doing a special memorial area to Mom for all her contributions. Jenni and Steve came in from the coast to see it, and Pam and Patty drove down from Indiana.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Double Wish












We finally pulled the wishbone from our thanksgiving turkey and it split exactly down the middle! So we've decided that means both wishes come true this year.

Thursday, January 12, 2023










Spider-Man came out several years ago as a PlayStation exclusive game, and it didn't seem like it would translated to PC. Then us PC gamers were pleasantly surprised to learn they were doing a port. The game got rave reviews for the PS and I think they were earned, the game play was really good, the story was great, and an overall solid game. They are working on a sequel which has been confirmed to be a PS5 exclusive, so we'll hope it eventually comes out for PC as well!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Getting Hammered












Dad and I took the bent mailbox pole and used a sledge hammer to get it straight again, then put a metal bar inside the hollow tube and used it to attach to the broken section still in the ground. It worked really well, so we just needed to get a new mailbox. The people who hit it offered to pay, but the metal bar and the new box were all about 30 bucks, so not worth haggling over. Them being honest and coming by wasn't easy so we figured that was payment enough. We just hope nobody hits it again, because with that metal bar inside it the result might be a bit different!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Mail Run












We got home from the airport last night, Mari having returned from Oregon, when we heard a loud bang-crunch sound. We looked out the window to see someone had run over our mailbox, bending the pole and crushing the box itself. To their credit the people who did it came over today and talked to us, which we really appreciated.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Triple Mad












I promise this year won't just be pictures of Maddie, though that wouldn't be a bad thing. More Mad for Mari pics that I can't just delete.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Double Mad















Mari is out in Oregon visiting Casie, John, Rachael and Aaron for a few days, so I took this picture of Mad to send to her and figured it might as well make the blog.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Ringing In The New Year

Madison ringing in the New Year Mad style.


Sunday, January 1, 2023












Welcome to 2023. Let's make it a good one.