Thursday, December 29, 2022

Birthday Boy












Happy Birthday Dad!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Making Tracks IV












Deer. Just because.

Making Tracks III












Cat. Just because.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Making Tracks II












Birds. Just because.

Making Tracks















Dog and man. Just because.

Mo Sno












The temps are slowly climbing and by tomorrow should crest well above freezing, but this morning we got hit with a surprise second blanket of snow. Still, as you can see it's warm enough to safely take the Mad out for her daily constitutional.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Three Wise People












A really good Christmas, complete with gold, frankincense and myrrh.













Gigi enjoying Christmas.

No Grinch At This Grill












We did breakfast at our place and Dad did dinner at his. He put on a great table setting, had decorated the house, Mom would have been proud. And the steaks he grilled were absolutely amazing. Grill out Christmas dinner might have to become a tradition.

Christmas Is Still Here












This is the first Christmas in my life without my Mom. I honestly expected it to be worse, but I have Mari and Dad and we got together and really enjoyed the morning together. Presents, stockings, puppies, movies, orange danishes and coffee. On the weather front it's clear now and the temps are up in the 20's. I think we're gonna be OK. In more ways than one.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Still Frozen












We've made it up to a balmy 4 degrees today. There's been some issues at one of the power plants so they have to do rolling blackouts every hour for ten minutes. Still, I can't complain too much. We're warm, we have power most of the time, no pipes have frozen. 

As for the crows, we almost never get crows in the yard but we had a full murder this morning. I didn't get any good pictures, but I did like this one where I captured one of them taking off. So enjoy.

Friday, December 23, 2022
















We don't normally put lights on the back deck but we had some extra strings and no place to put them, so I strung them along the rail. Nothing special about that, I just enjoyed the effect of the snow covered bulbs glowing.

Jolly Christmas Ollie












We're like the post office of Friday eating out. Neither freezing temps nor snowy roads will keep us from our appointed visit to Jolly Ollie's for some pizza and togetherness.

Short Sniff












With it so bitterly cold there's no walks for Maddie and we have blocked the doggy door. Just quick bio breaks of no more than 10 minutes for her until things get warmer!

Deep Freeze












They've been promising it in the news for days now, and it's finally delivered. It's -1 degrees outside and a layer of snow dropped this morning. The birds are still at it though, puffed into little round balls to keep warm.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Holiday Memorial III
















Holiday Memorial II












It's been eight months since Mom died, and this will be our first Christmas without her. It was a nice ceremony, they had live music and the singers were surprisingly good. It was good to take the time to think about Mom and life in general. I think we are all glad we went.

Holiday Memorial















The funeral home that handled Mom's passing is holding a holiday remembrance tonight. A chance for those of us who have lost someone to take some time to come together with others and reflect since the holidays are probably the hardest times.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Mason Magic












I don't know what magic they use to make these but the Fortnum and Mason salted caramel chocolate biscuits are just about the best thing in the world you can eat.

Sunday, December 18, 2022










The first version of Dying Light was kind of meh but good enough I wanted to play the second. The second was indeed better in mechanics and story but still not quite good enough to really break into my good games list. I'd play a third, but this definitely a wait until its on sale series.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Social Attempt












For the first time ever us antisocial hobbits in the lower Greer household had a little open house for some of our neighbors to come see the Christmas explosion. Fearing a strike out, we were happy a decent amount came. Well, as happy as a hobbit can be trying to be social. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Office Party Peek












A surreptitious shot of the office party during dirty Santa.

Downtown Christmas












Downtown this morning for out last Christmas party at Parkway, next year we'll be in some other building. This view has changed a lot over the years, including the building of the ballpark which is currently hosting a Christmas light show.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Turkey Time












For the first time I saw wild turkeys in our neighborhood. Hard to believe any wildlife can still surprise me here on the over-built peninsula.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Bidirectional Curiosity












Two dogs keeping track of where Dad has gone.

Friday, December 9, 2022













It's not Christmas with a little taste of Chicago. Garrett's in the house!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Hey Deer












Deer crossing.

Saturday, December 3, 2022













Taking a peek.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Laser Focus












It's hard to see but there's a squirrel out there digging through the bird seed. He's between the third set of rails from the right. Not hard for Mad to see, locked right on.

Thursday, December 1, 2022












Whew. Last month was busy. Let's ease into the yule time!