Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween Perspective B












Here's another.

Halloween Perspective A












Here's one way to look at it.

Infernal Infinity












On Halloween I give you nebula LDN 43, located about 1400 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. Otherwise known as the Cosmic Bat Nebula. Space is endlessly cool.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Rare Red












A rare treat, we got our Red Bellied Woodpecker friend again today. While we see the little Downy Woodpeckers almost every day, this guy we see very, very rarely.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Tahoe Tribute II




And here is a close up of the plaque.

Tahoe Tribute













In memory of Mom, who loved Lake Tahoe, Dad bought a permanent bear plaque installed on the East Shore Walking Trail. The plaques are in that blue pool.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Still Hope












I worry about the state of our democracy and what will happen if the Republicans take back control. But we keep trying, we keep voting. So Mari, Dad, and I did our civic duty. It doesn't matter much in BFT, but the act still matters a great deal.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Good God















God of War is a kind of continuation but also soft reboot of this long running series, and it was really good. A bit old for console gamers, it just got released on PC and was well worth the wait. Good acting, good story, good game play. Can't wait for the sequel.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Little Scary












The results. Not bad I guess for what we had to work with. Dad's on the left, then Mari's, then mine.

After Dinner Carve












Followed by a little fun carving some small pumpkins. Unfortunately the cheap tools I bought were crap and either bent or broke, not helped by some thick skinned little gourds. Mari gave up and just drew her face on but Dad and I persevered.

Autumn Dinner












Mari puts out the fall themed spread for a little home cooking tonight.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Fading Blue Dot















It was nice to see a solid turnout and meet like-minded people in this ever redder state. But still, Tennessee has skewed so far right it's getting hard to stay here.

Dem Drinks












Mari, Dad and I decided to venture out to a local meeting of the Sumner Democrats. Well, mostly Mari and Dad. We tried this many years ago and were very off put by the strange, motley group we met in a small back room of a strip mall.

 This was much, much better. Friendly people in a local bar, called "Drinks with Dems". Our only complain was it was so loud it was very hard to hear anyone.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Space Webbs








 It's been a while since I got my space geek on, these new images from the Webb Telescope are amazing. This is iconic star nursery featuring thick pillars of gas and dust is called the Pillars of Creation. On the left is from the Hubble, which was cutting edge for its time, on the right is the Webb. Stunning!  

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

West Coaster Warmth















Dad's latest masterpiece as mentioned in a previous post, now on the bed. An homage to our favorite coast and the sport steams thereof. Go Kraken!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The OGs












The original Irelands together again.

Rug Rock Toe IV












Casie playing.

Rug Rock Toe III












Gramma and Mackenzie playing.

Rug Rock Toe II












Payton, Lonnie, and Mackenzie playing Rug Rock Toe.

Rug Rock Toe












After breakfast we all just hung out together talking, until Mackenzie declared it was time for another game. The rules of this game were somewhat unclear, but we know it involves each player having five rocks, and on their turn putting them somewhere on the rug. Here she is explaining.

Throwing Down












Along with breakfast Dad brought down his latest creation, made for me! But there will be more on that later. For now here's Casie, Lonnie, and Mari looking it over.

Crepes From The Past












Dad came over to our house and made crepes for everyone. I love that he still uses the same recipe he always has, from this 1970 cookbook that came with with their blender called "Osterizer Blender Spin Cookery." Just a little piece of nostalgia.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Four Score












It was a long day but fun regardless, with lots of puzzles, board games, and being entertained by an imaginative four year old.













Just a little energy translated into bouncing off the walls. And the inflatable bed.

Siblings And Shows












It's a full house this weekend! Casie flew in from Oregon while Lonnie, Payton, Mackenzie, Sara and Samantha all came up from Atlanta. While the Georgians went out to site see and catch a Panic! At The Disco concert, Mari, Casie and I took care of Mackenzie. Here seen doing her nebulizer treatment, which we were warned sometimes gives her "a little energy."

Friday, October 7, 2022

Bath Time


This isn't the best video but it's cute and what I could grab quickly, one of our birdbaths in use.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

I Always Feel Like...












The strange bird is back on a different roof. If he's there again tomorrow I will officially begin to get paranoid.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Neither Hot Tin Nor Fiddler












I saw the strangest bird on the peak of our neighbors roof this morning.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Old Mutt















Love this old dog.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Variety Is The Flutter Of Life












Yet another new kind of butterfly made an appearance in the flower garden today.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Seedy Behavior















Being magnolia tree newbies Mari and I weren't sure what to make of the these big reddish pods that Maggie had grown. We thought they were seeds but weren't sure how they worked. Well they split open in the last day or so to reveal they are full of bright red seeds! Now we know. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022





An art exhibit, a trip to Atlanta, a new bathroom, a trip to Arizona. Last month is going to be hard to beat, but we'll give it go.