Friday, April 29, 2022

Pots Of Gold












We usually plant red flowers in the pots out front each spring, but in honor of Mom this year we went with yellow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Memorial IV












Again, despite circumstances, it was nice to see people. Especially Uncle Mick (standing next to Dad) who we don't get to spend nearly enough time with.

Memorial III












We set up an array of Mom's quilts for people to see, as well as putting out some of our vacation books and other things. We had a slideshow of pictures through her life going on the wall as well. An officiant named Hubert came and did the memorial for us, he did an amazing job.

Memorial II












The funeral home provided a book for people to sign.













Today we had Mom's memorial, or celebration of life as it was called. It's still surreal to me that she's gone, or at least gone from this material plane. Like the world should have drastically altered to accommodate her loss, but it just keeps going on like normal.

Family V












And one just for fun, Steve and Megan in the process of picture taking.

Family IV












Me, Payton, Lonnie, Dad, Megan, Steve and Jenni.

Family III












Mari, Payton, Lonnie, Dad, Megan, Steve and Jenni.

Family II












Payton, Lonnie, Dad and Mari.










Gathering today for Mom's memorial. It's really good to see everyone, even if the circumstances are not what we'd want. Payton, Lonnie, me and Mari.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Wedding Reminisce












As we go through old pictures looking for memories of Mom, we've come across a lot of events. Here's a fun blast from the past, Mari and I's wedding day. With Mom, Dad, and Grampa Woody.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


I found this picture from NASA's picture of the day site captivating. It was taken 50 years ago, on April 20th 1972. That these guys went to the moon on this equipment is amazing.

Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. This panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mom's Laugh


Mari took this precious video. We've watched it about a hundred times. Her voice, her smile, her laugh. Priceless.

Susan Claire Greer






















Mom's obituary posted in the Tennessean today.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Chalk Cheer












The kids across the street drew this for Dad to cheer him up. As I've mentioned his cul-de-sac has been extremely kind through the whole week.

Australian Cowboy















Even in grief, life goes on and we find things to laugh and be happy about. As we went through things at Dad's house we found this old hat of his from Australia and he was kind enough to model it.

Monday, April 18, 2022

0 for 3















We were supposed to have Mom's memorial this coming Wednesday, but COVID has reared it's ugly head. First Steve wasn't feeling good and tested positive, now so have Jenni and Megan. So the memorial has been put off for now and we're doing our best to get through the outbreak. So far Mari, Dad and I are in the clear.

Sunday, April 17, 2022













A beautiful bouquet of lilies from Casie and John are among several floral arrangements that have arrived for Mom.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mom Memories 3















Another image from the newspaper article.

Mom Memories 2












We often joked about Mom's posh upbringing, especially when it came to her not using her fingers to eat. This was highlighted by her having the first princess phone ever installed in Oakland. Such an honor it even made the newspaper. Here's a photo from the newspaper shoot.

Mom Memories












Going through pictures, reminiscing. California Mom and Dad looking cool standing in front of their little convertible Alpha Romeo.

Friday, April 15, 2022













Bittersweet. Dad gave us Mom's favorite hat and the stuffed elephant mom named Ellie. Mari got it for her to hug in the hospital. They are a permanent duo in their spot in our house.

Neighborhood Watch












Dad's neighbors have all ben very kind. Coming over to check on him, bring him food. They called mom and dad the official grandparents of the block. Heartwarming to see how loved mom is. This meal courtesy of his neighbors.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

All In












Jenni, Steve, and Megan flew right out to be with us in Tennessee. Having them here is a huge relief.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Last Home












This is not where I wanted to be today, I'd rather be at the hospital visiting my recovering mom. But life isn't always fair. The whole family is a mess at the moment, but the people here at Lakeside have been extremely kind.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

My Mom















As you might remember Mom had bladder cancer, which had been messing with her kidneys and caused a very serious hospital stint. She had to go back in for surgery today to get the cancer out. The sugery seemed to go well but as she was being taken back to the ICU, she crashed. Mom passed away this evening with Dad and I at her side.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Puzzling Behavior XVI












Christmas is still coming together in this house! The puzzling continues.

Saturday, April 2, 2022





The first month free of cable. Wolf approved.

Friday, April 1, 2022

No Foolin'












The cord cutting including upgrading to the latest router, and now we're all streaming. On the plus side we cut our bill in about half. We'll see how it goes!

Cutting The Cord












Today we went down to Comcast and completely dropped cable TV.