Friday, February 25, 2022

Crying For The Sixth Time









Finished Far Cry 6. This time it's set in a Cuba-esque country and you're a rebel trying to overthrow a brutal dictator. I'm still enjoying the series, I'll probably play the 7th one if it comes to be. But I think I might be getting old because I don't have a lot of patience for repetitive or dragged out things, and there were parts of this game that had be rushing through to the end.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Scenes From A Zoo VII-C












A cub made a brief appearance before going back inside.

Scenes From A Zoo VII-B












Beautiful, smart, graceful and menacing all at the same time. What's not to love?

Scenes From A Zoo VII












The gorgeous snow leopard, my absolute favorite animal at the Nashville Zoo.

Scenes From A Zoo VI












A flamboyance of flamingos. There were lots of other animals but it was cold and we got there late so many were inside or hiding by the exit gate waiting to leave which didn't make for the best pictures. Of course I saved the best for last...

Scenes From A Zoo V












The kangaroos are fun because if they come up to the path you're allowed to pet them. Kenzie got to pet one briefly so that was good, otherwise the mob seemed content to laze about in the sun.

Scenes From A Zoo IV












One of my personal favorites, the rhinos.

Scenes From A Zoo III












The majestic giraffe.

Scenes From A Zoo II












Today the meerkats had a peacock guest.

Scenes From A Zoo












The Meerkats are always fun to watch.

Quick Like















Payton and Mackenzie came up for a surprise weekend visit, so we decided to head to the zoo.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Happy Returns















Mom came home from the hospital today and we're all very happy about that. Of course it's just to get strong enough to survive her bladder surgery, but we'll take what we can get one day at a time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Homeward Rebound












Mom is doing much better so Jenni is going to head home today and come back when she had her next surgery. It was nice to have her visit!

Sunday, February 13, 2022













Jenni has come out to help Mom and support Dad, having her here as been really great. She likes the cardinals because they don't have them in Seattle, I tried to snap this one on our deck railing but he came out blurry. I need to learn the functions of my fancy new camera phone better.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Flower Power












Mari sent flowers to Mom's room, she's doing much better than over the weekend but there's still a long way to to go.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Hospital Visitor












Mom went into the hospital on Friday and is very ill, we're not quite sure what is going on yet but it's not good. While Dad stays with her we're keeping an eye on Gigi, here napping on her favorite toy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
















So far 2022 has been about as good as 2021, but life goes on! Maybe February will be better.