Sunday, January 30, 2022

Short Sweet















Gris is a quick game I'd seen recommended several places for its art. I finished in a single setting and think they got the timing right, any more would have gotten a little repetitive. Interesting, pretty little bit of entertainment.

Sunday, January 23, 2022










Dying Light is a zombie FPS that came out a while back. I had initially skipped it but the sequel is coming out soon and looks pretty good so I thought I'd check out the original. The game mechanics were fun but the story wasn't the greatest and the main bad guy was very annoying, and not in an engaging way. Still, looking forward to part two which is supposed to be much better.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Here We Snow Again












Another dusting of snow for us, this time Mari made the required snowman. I admit hers is better

Monday, January 10, 2022

Groundhog Die




Deathloop is another game from Arkane Studios who do the Dishonored series, once of my all time favorites. This was almost as good. The premise was clever and the execution was good, I especially enjoyed the level design.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

0 For 2















Someone who came to the house last week to work on the heating unit informed me the next day he'd tested positive for COVID, so I've waited the 5 days and tested. Once again dodged the COVID bullet.

Saturday, January 8, 2022













Time to pack up Christmas.













Snowmen come and snowmen go.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Maddie Playing In The Snow


So brave.

Must Have Winter Accessory












Snowman, must be done.

Winter Wonderland




After yesterday's snow we have a nice blanket on a cold but sunny day. Those divots are from Maddie bouncing around and having some fun.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Snow Down












The snow finally stopped a little after 6pm. According to the news our area got 7 to 9 inches of snow. It's a winter wonderland out there!

Cardinal Rule












The snow has brought the cardinals out in droves, all puffed up to fight the cold. See if you can spot all the ones in the tree, we counted fifteen.

Powder Noon












Lunchtime now and the snow has been steady without a break, it's accumulated several inches. Mad went out for a little winter expedition.

Snowy Start












We've been warned all week today was going to see some pretty serious snow and it seems the weatherfolk were right on this one, it's 8am and the snow has started coming down thick and fluffy.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Climate Change II












At least Maddie got to enjoy some snowy snufflings.

Climate Change












Yesterday it was 76 degrees and sunny in what is supposed to be a Tennessee winter. Today it's 32 and snowy. But sure, keep telling yourself we're not effecting the planet.

Saturday, January 1, 2022




2022. Let's hope it's a good year for wolves, and every other animal including those obnoxious two-leggers.