Friday, December 31, 2021

The Twenties Turn Two















And so we bid 2021 adieu and welcome in 2022, let's see what this year brings!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Hit And Myth









Wildermyth got rave reviews for being a great RPG so I gave it a shot and it just didn't click for me. Maybe it was the paper figure graphics, maybe the magic system that I didn't particularly like. To each their own!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Stockings And Crepes




Christmas 2021! Up to Mom and Dad's house to open stockings and have some of Dad's famous crepes!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Still Fishing For Christmas















The table is all set for Christmas eve dinner, which of course will be salmon soup (or clam chowder if you don't like salmon like persons who shall remain anonymous.)

 Just like years past.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Double Boost










The third shot's the charm. Until the fourth is recommended. Or the fifth.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Second Surrender












They're putting on another Safe Surrender today and tomorrow. The last one was in 2015. This was was much easier because they had already wired the building, so setting everything up was very smooth. Hope it goes well!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Social But Distant












The JIS Christmas party / quarterly meeting, as distanced as possible to bring people close.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021














Concerned by a bad cold, I make sure it's not something more serious. Thankfully not. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

More Light!












Perhaps inspired by Cheekwood, Mari added lights to several of our Christmas displays. Proving once and for all more lights is never a bad thing!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Train Gain II



Which was a huge improvement and one of the better parts of the walk.

Train Gain












In previous years they had a relatively small train area you could walk by. This year they turned it into an entire section you could walk through.

Fun With Fire












They added a make your own S'mores center this year which was a lot of fun, even for those of us who don't particularly like marshmallows.

Maintained Mansion












The mansion was less lasers more up-lighting which I think made it look classier.

Tree Lighting












Up close with one of the illuminated trees.

Star Stroll IV















And the effect of walking in the sea of Christmas lights.

Star Stroll III












Though this is yet another of those occasions where pictures can't truly capture the essence of the moment.

Star Stroll II












Taking in the lights.

Star Stroll




The drinks were warm (I swear I tasted peanut butter!) and the weather perfect for wandering the meandering paths.

Near Deer












The reindeer enclosure is up near the entrance now and much bigger so that's nice for our flying friends.

Night Light

We hit Cheekwood's Holiday Light display every few years, since our first visit in 2016. It usually doesn't change much but this year they're redone several spots.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021













The best stretch of the year, that Thanksgiving to New Years holiday haze!