Sunday, July 25, 2021

Gotta Get Back









I got turned on to the TV show Samurai Jack by my brother in law Steve. It's been over for quite a while, so the sudden appearance of a game based on the show was a surprise. The game itself was OK, the biggest disappointment was the story wasn't very well told and they only voiced the intro to each character, so after that you just got text when you talked to them. All in all a fun diversion and return to that world, but not the greatest game.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Spoiled Punkin'









A spoiled dog with a delicate digestive system.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Small Change









I had read about this ice cream collaboration between Ben and Jerry's and Colin Kaepernick, with the proceeds going to his Know Your Rights Camp for social justice. It came out quite a while ago and I'd been keeping an eye out for it but never saw it for sale here. My assumption was in the south they didn't think it would sell. Well to my surprise it randomly appeared at Kroger today, so we had to get one! Not my favorite flavor, and it's all vegan because Kaepernick is, but it's the cause that counts!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

In Olyphant's Shoes Again









They actually had the first and second one bundled so I played through both. By the end I was getting a little tired of the formula, but still a very fun and engaging series I'm glad I picked up.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Birthday Cuisine II









.... Cherry Garcia.

Birthday Cuisine









Hot chicken and ....

Wednesday, July 14, 2021










Nice to see a good amount of these guys too.

Sky Tiger



The butterfly bush pays off yet again.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

In Olyphant's Shoes




Hitman is another one of those games a Steam sale suckered me into. It came out in 2016 to great reviews but I missed it and didn't intend to go back. But for 9 bucks, why not? This is more of a puzzle game than action. You can run through it guns blazing but you get the worst results. You're supposed to meticulously plan it so only your target is hurt, and even then you get the most points if you can stage it to took look like an accident. It's slow if you play it that way but also very satisfying when you finally pull off the perfect hit.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Their Home









On the list of favorite things to see out on a Maddie walk, a mom and her fawn.

Thursday, July 1, 2021










The last two months haven't been very photogenic, maybe this one will kick things up a notch.