Monday, March 29, 2021

Bound To Finish







Starbound is an indy game I started a couple of years ago and then for some reason just let drop. Being in between games at the moment I went through my Steam library and recalled this fact so I installed it again. It's a fun diversion but I'm staring to get a little tired of "retro" graphics.

Thursday, March 25, 2021













4000 posts!

And a walk 




Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Glass Half Full















Now we have a new door, replacing the other two. It's thick, solid, insulated and has double-paned glass. It also closes properly with a real lock and no gaps for air to leak through!

Door To Nowhere















So we decided to do something about it and it arrived today!

Stormed Out


Many moons ago we put in a storm door with a dog door. Seemed liked a good idea at the time. The theory was we'd close the glass door when weather got bad. Well in practice we pretty much never closed the glass door no matter how hot or cold it got. Which lead to us putting that blocker at the bottom to try and stop some of the hot /cold from getting in. The storm door never shut properly either which lead to my ad-hoc locking system. In keeping with the door theme, it was time for a change.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Sandis Jr Jr Jr Jr









Someday I might have to return to office work. When I do my office will most likely be in a new (old) building. More on that when the time comes. But in expectation of that, I have taken one of the Sandis Jr's and re-potted him for a experiment. This potential new office will obviously need a Sandis but will have no windows, so that's an LED grow bulb to see if the plant will do well with artificial light.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Knocker On Blue















It's still drying but here's the completed project after a second coat. It might need some touch up and brush stroke covering, but we really like the blue. We also added a knocker to jazz it up a little.

Salty Dog















We decided the white front door was a little boring so we punched it up a notch.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Picking Things Apart


I finished Horizon Zero Dawn, with the Frozen Wilds expansion tonight. Excellent game. The story was very good, the voice acting was great, the facial animations were some of the best I've ever seen, and the graphics in general were top notch. Here's hoping for a sequel!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Old Card Old New Card









Recently, whenever I played a game with high end graphics on my relatively new Alienware the fans on the video cards would go crazy. I started monitoring the temperature on the card and it would immediately shoot up into the 80's (Celsius.) So I had them swap my GeForce RTX 2080 Ti with a new one and it seems like the problem is solved.

Saturday, March 13, 2021





Never stops eating all the seeds.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021










Never stops warming the heart.

Monday, March 1, 2021


  And so another month begins. It's hard to believe that as of this month I have been working from home due to the coronavirus for a year!