Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween, Social Distancing, Night









Mari sat on the porch and greeted the ghosts and goblins. It actually went very well, we always kind of worried about little kids going up and down our steps in costumes so we might do this again next year regardless of Caronavirus World. We also expected a lot less kids but there were tons of them. We ran out of candy and had to pack it in earlier than usual.

Halloween, Social Distancing, Day









Like most other folks this year, we put the kibosh on kids coming to the door. Instead we blocked them with this table and spread the candy out for them to pick up (we didn't end up using the bowl.) 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Crimeless Scene









No there's nothing nefarious going on here. We're getting our ceilings repaired and painted after a nasty leak. So, I guess the leak could be considered nefarious.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

OK Bug









I tried to find a post but I guess I never said that we finally planted the magnolia tree in the yard, and have since dubbed "her" Maggie. She seems to be doing well so far, but these bugs really like hanging out on her. I took this to figure out what they were and turns out they are red paper wasps. Harmless so no need to save Maggie from the insect hordes.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Puzzling Behavior V









Just in time for Halloween.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Go Joe & Kamala









I voted. Pushing that button has never been so important.

Deceptive Line









We went to vote today. Here we are just about to go into the building. It's hard to see but the line stretched all the way to the end of that other structure, past where the SUV is driving. It was deceptive though due to everyone staying at least six feet apart for social distancing, we were done in about half an hour.Much better than the hours we were expecting!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Rare Spot









I had to go into work today, what was once typical is now strange. That and we will most likely be moving out of Parkway Tower in the coming months so the chances to see these numbers at my parking spot are dwindling.

Friday, October 2, 2020



When I did my first working from home WOTM who knew it would be this long and still no end in sight?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Puzzling Behavior IV









From Paris to London.