Thursday, September 24, 2020

This Moment



The picture is terrible but I knew it would be. It's more about capturing a moment. Laying in bed with flavored water and pretzels, watching the Repair Shop. Mari by my side and Maddie squeaking her Wonder Woman toy between us. It's the little things you want to live forever.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

2020 In Candle Form









A gift from Casie. Love it. True too. And the scent is Dragon's Blood which is awesome too.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Blue Hope









Our little blue sign in the great red sea. Biden and Harris, a good team to start saving this country.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Doomed Again









Doom Eternal is the sequel to the reboot of the original Doom. It had a few too many jump puzzles for my liking, but overall a frenetic, fun shooter. The story is actually fairly decent as well so there's a bonus.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

As We All Wish









Mari came across this thing where the cast of the Princess Bride was doing a reading of the movie to benefit Democrats in Wisconsin, called WisDem. We threw some money their way but didn't plan on actually watching it. Well curiosity got us so we tuned in for a bit and ended up watching the entire thing plus the talk afterwards. It was delightful to hear them all doing their parts and interacting, they genuinely seem to like each other, and then to hear how much they hated Trump was also lovely. An evening well spent.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Card Slayer







I kept seeing Slay the Spire recommended all over the place so when it went on sale I grabbed it up. It's a deck building game. Not really by favorite genre but I enjoyed playing through the four characters and learning the strategies.

Friday, September 4, 2020












Gigi came over to stay for a bit while Mom and Dad had a doctor appointment. I don't know if they'll ever be besties, but she and Mad get along just fine.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Chin Up











I know I just posted a Maddie pic, but she's just too sweet and cute

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Different Dark


Darksiders Gensis is the fourth in a series I really like.




probably tell. This one was by a different team and a different game style. The story was good but I didn't enjoy playing it as much as the first three. Still, any more in this series are welcome.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020














WOTM, Coronavirus World version yet again. Two months until the election. Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be alright.