Tuesday, June 30, 2020


The Rose Window in Notre Dame from our 2017 trip. Strange to think that now it's being repaired from the massive fire last year.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


We're repairing some of the worst fence boards in preparation of having the fence painted next month. Apparently one of neighbors does not approve of our "embarrassing fence". Many other neighbors have expressed support. So the naysayer can go suck an egg.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Getting Out

Finished Metro Exodus, the third in the Metro series. I really enjoy the story and character interaction, but found the morality system cumbersome and the last level tedious. Still a good game, well worth the time.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pic A Nik

Hard to see without zooming, but here's a squirrel using our little picnic table. It's fitting that they steal most of the bird seed, but the birds steal most of the nuts we put in there.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Lone Walker

My nephew Scott graduated from High School today, joining his sister in the ranks of the collegiate. I was supposed to be there, but thanks to Coronavirus World that couldn't happen. He had the strangest, but possibly best (depending on your point of view) graduation. No crowd, they were dropped off at the entrance to the school at a specific time, walked alone to the podium to get their diploma, then picked up at the other end of the school and that was it.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Ring In

Our final summer quilt, this beautiful wedding ring was delivered today. Perhaps the best one yet. It did bring a little melancholy when making this post, because the link to the last one has our puppies in it and we're missing two of them. Still, it might be the best one yet!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I really enjoy the Borderlands series, the second one in particular soaked up a lot of gaming time. Just finished the 3rd, and while it was still fun the story was not nearly as good as previous versions. Quite a letdown in that department.

Monday, June 1, 2020


Tornadoes, a pandemic, race riots, a fascist president. Have I mentioned these are strange times?