Monday, March 30, 2020

Air In

It's nice to know we have something new, reliable, and more environmentally efficient for when summer sets in.

Air Out

Our upstairs HVAC system has slowly been dying for the last few years, so we finally pulled the trigger on replacing it.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Still Turning

Life goes on, flowers bloom. We wait. Sometimes patiently. Sometimes not.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Different Disco

Disco Elysium is one of those games I bought purely on hype. It was highly recommended by many of the review sources I trust. It was definitely interesting and unique, but by the end I was tired of it. They were trying a little too hard to be deep and it started edging into pretentious. Still, it was worth the time to play through.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Comfort Food, Cake

Same deal with Nothing Bundt Cakes. They don't even want you in the store, you call and they bring it out to you.

Comfort Food, Mexican

Strange days. Thanks to the Coronavirus all restaurants are now take out only. Our favorite Mexican place Dos Margaritas looks a little different on a Friday night.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mask Man

With a shortage of face masks available, Mom and Dad are experimenting with making their own at home. If they get it down they are thinking of sending them out to help as much as they can.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Stay Home

The visiting Irelands are stuck here at least one more week thanks to Coronavirus, so we're making the best of it!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Home Screen

And so the working from home begins.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Video Killed The In-Office Worker

The Essential Crew has been running ragged setting up laptops, getting people on VPN, training them how to use it, and getting access to a myriad of collaboration and video conferencing systems like Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Jabber. But it looks like we're finally starting to stem the tide today. The Crew is breaking up to mostly WFH, unfortunately one help desk person has to come in each day but they'll be taking turns.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Essential Personnel II

The reason we're so "essential" is everyone is scrambling to go remote, which means tons of setting up VPN, videoconferencing, laptops, etc. There's Jerry standing next to Nathalie, then Jasmine, then Dan. Our Essential Crew. We should have shirts made.

Essential Personnel

My entire office has now shifted to working from home due to the Coronavirus, only essential personnel still had to come in. To thank us for our efforts my boss Nathalie bought us all lunch from Luna Llena, a really good taco place on the corner. Nathalie is in red, next to her is Richard, then Anastasia, then Ron.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Green Day

Ashley had Saint Patrick's Day donuts delivered from Krispy Kreme. Tasty and socially distant.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Fools Gold

A Coronavirus fortune.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


Ashley, Payton, and Kenzie came up to visit since the Coronavirus has closed schools. They brought DiNozzo and the newest addition to the Greer / Ireland clan. Koko.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Fear Is Catchy

Thanks to people freaking out about the Coronavirus there's been a run at the grocery stores. Why are people like this? Lest we be accused of being part of the problem this wasn't us rushing for apocalypse prep. We have family coming in tomorrow and legit needed food. I want to call them stupid, but I know they're mostly afraid; instilled by a 24/7 news cycle without morals and a completely inept president. But still. Get it together people!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saucy Winch

There's a few Christmas boxes I'm just not strong enough to carry up the ladder so we've been storing them in the bonus room. Well the bonus room has a new purpose coming in the near future, so I needed to be able to get things up there. Enter my nifty new electric winch.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Office View Tornado Edition, Part Six

Google Photos automatically made this panoramic for me. I thought it was cool so I'm adding it here.

Office View Tornado Edition, Part Five

An electric pole landed on the roof of the Sheriff's office right across the street to my office. You can see a string of them down along the road.

Office View Tornado Edition, Part Four

Then the storm crossed the river, tore all the nets off the golf range, crossed the freeway bowling over a few big rigs, and finally hit East Nashville pretty badly.

Office View Tornado Edition, Part Three

Then it knocked a power pole into the bridge and wrecked a building near the edge of the river, leaving the smokestack intact.

Office View Tornado Edition, Part 2

Then it moved down and hit this apartment building. Tore the roof off the front. In the middle of that building there's a parking garage for the residents, it picked up most of the cars on the top level and tossed them around.

Office View Tornado Edition

Just a general view of the path the tornado took downtown yesterday as seen from my office. Moving in from the west and going east. I put a red arrow to kind of show the path. That's the Kroger that got hit, right next to it was an Autozone that got completely flattened.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Just Like The Postman

A tornado can't stop me from voting.

Bad Point

Here's the tornado's path just focused on Nashville.. The green line is last night's event, while the other two mark the largest previous tornadoes to hit downtown. The "d" in "3rd Ave N" is right where my office is. We got to stay home today while they restored power and cleaned up the roads.

Notice where they all seem to converge, that's an area in East Nashville called Five Points. I don't think I'll move there.

Path Of Ill Tidings

We were awoken by storm alerts just after midnight last night and had to ride it out until about 1:30am. Things got a little intense up in our neighborhood but we were lucky. A full F3 tornado cut through Nashville and surrounding areas. Here's the path and some of the worst hit places. Germantown is just two blocks up from my office.

Monday, March 2, 2020


March towards O365.