Wednesday, January 29, 2020


They also gave her an (un)official retirement license.

Out Last

Mari has officially retired, tomorrow is her last day as a working stiff. Her office threw her a little shindig with this cake as the centerpiece.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Failed Fantasy

I finished Final Fantasy 15 today. I don't know that I've had a game go downhill so much. The first half was open and fun with an interesting story and world. The last half was pretty terrible, so much so that by the end I was just rushing to get through.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Never Ready

This is Mystic from 2009. I'm not sure if this makes things better, but the MRI result came in today. Mystic had throat cancer and it was spreading. We will never really be sure what happened and why it happened so suddenly, but the caner would have been terminal. Perhaps there's some small mercy that she didn't have to suffer through it's full course. It doesn't stop us from missing her dearly.

Friday, January 24, 2020

And Then There Was One

Maddie seems to be doing OK, she still looks for Mystic sometimes. But then we all do. We've informed her she has to live to be at least 20. If not forever. You can bet she is getting a whole lot of love.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Foot Sitter

We brought Mystic home from the MRI and she seemed groggy but stable. I took this picture of my sweet girl, not knowing it would be the last one. When we woke up in the morning she was barely responsive. We rushed her back to Sidco where they informed us she had gone septic, her lungs were both full of fluid, she had zero white count, and her pupil response indicated brain damage. Her chances of recovering were small and even if she did the brain damage would probably mean she wouldn't be Mystic anymore. We had to let our baby go. We will miss here so, so very much.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sidco Woe

We're at the emergency vet at Sidco drive after waking up to find Mystic acting funny and having a huge lump in her throat. They aren't sure what it is, but she seems stable. They are going to do an MRI.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Southern Sleuthing

Mari and I went to see Knives Out today. Really good! Well worth the time.

Monday, January 6, 2020


New year, new wolves.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


We finally got to go see Hamilton today after nearly a year of anticipation. Sometimes when things are so hyped, they can't possible live up to their own reputation. Hamilton is not one of those things. Probably the most entertaining thing I have ever seen, we absolutely loved it. I would go again in a heartbeat.

Friday, January 3, 2020

That's Politics!

Much like Hotline, Undertale is a small indy game that came out several years ago to acclaim but I never played it. It too was on sale for just a few bucks, so I grabbed it up to experience the story. Interesting concept and decent story but it didn't quite grab me, and in certain scenarios felt like it was intentionally wasting my time or even a smidge pretentious. Overall glad I played it to see what people were talking about, but not my favorite thing.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Retro 80

Hotline Miami is an indy game that came out a few years ago to big acclaim. It was on a winter Steam sale for 3 bucks so I bought it just to see what all the fuss was about back in the day. It's a retro game with 80's styling. Pretty short, beatable in a few hours, but the gameplay is fast, kinetic and fun. Worth the time but not sure I enjoyed it enough to buy the sequel.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020