Sunday, December 29, 2019

End Of The Nine

For Dad's birthday we went and saw the Rise of Skywalker. Over time I have come to like the second movie less and less. This one is much better and pretty much ignores the second of the new trilogy which is fine by me. A nice way to end and I'm glad it's over because it frees them from this story cage and they can expand into better worlds. Like the excellent Mandalorian tv series.

I also didn't realize we saw the last one exactly a year ago on Dad's birthday. So here's to traditions we didn't even know we had.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Four Square

Mari always sets a beautiful table. Ham for four followed by a White Christmas and bundt cake. Can't beat that!

Her Too

Gigi likes toys too.

Collar Blue

Maddie and her new dress blues.

Collar Pink

Mystic modelling her new collar.

Christmas Toys

This Christmas was a bit laid back with just the Tennessee Greers around, but at least someone still gets really excited about unwrapping toys on Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Soup For You

Christmas Eve salmon soup. The tradition continues.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Only Embers

I really enjoyed the first Pillars of Eternity but for some reason the sequel didn't really click with me. Story, mechanics, it seemed like each piece didn't quite reach its full potential.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Dog Watcher

With Mom in the hospital and Dad hanging out with her, we get to watch Gigi! Not the best circumstances but she's always fun to have over.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hospital Blues

Mom was supposed to go in Friday for a somewhat simple procedure, but it's turned a bit more complicated. So here we are on Sunday paying a visit. Hospitals are never fun but at least we have each other!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Jail Done

And here we have the final product, ready to move in.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Half Spoken

I never played the first Ni No Kuni, but like a lot of JRPGs the stories don't necessarily go together. Such as Final Fantasy where each entry in the series is completely stand alone. I bought this purely on the strength of reviews and enjoyed it. It's almost a classic JRPG with some kingdom management elements thrown in. Mostly done well with a few weak spots here and there.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Winter wonderland edition.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Tree And Me

And just like that the week was over, Ashley and Mackenzie were headed home, and work was looming on the horizon. At least we have Christmas cheer to help. A little.