Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ritzy Pincushion

Scabiosa japonica sounds like a spell from Hogwarts. Just a pretty picture from the new garden that I liked.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

No Butterflies In The Sky

To try and help monarchs we're starting a butterfly garden. Not much there yet but soon!

Saturday, May 18, 2019


And two more on their pillows. (I know every picture I take is of them asleep, I swear they do actually get up and do things from time to time.)


Just a sweet old girl on the bed.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Boot Scootin'

After lunch there was a quick line dancing class some of the more adventurous of us participated in. That's Franc in the red plaid shirt. The instructer on stage led everyone through the basic moves and then they danced to Dolly's classic "9 to 5."

Getting Wild

We have a contractor originally from France working at JIS and his contract ends today. For his farewell lunch Franc wanted to go to the Wildhorse Saloon downtown. I'd never been, despite it being something of a Nashville landmark. We got there right when it opened but it filled up quickly after.

Monday, May 6, 2019


And here we are, a mighty little box. I have found as I get older I don't quite enjoy putting these together as much, maybe being hunched over a pc case and dropping a tiny screw somewhere inside then having to fish for it isn't as thrilling as it used to be. Either way it all went together reasonably easily and fired up on the first try so we'll call this Ubuntu Plex server a win.

Some Assembly

I decided to build a local media archive after a recent internet outage, and a work friend pointed me towards Plex. Of course not one to do anything simple, I planned out this relatively cheap but powerful HTPC (Home Theater PC) that will run Plex on Ubuntu.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Long Game

Watched Avengers Endgame with Mari this afternoon and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Buckley Up

We caught Hello Dolly starring Betty Buckley at TPAC this evening. I didn't go in with many expectations, but it turned out to be a fantastic show.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Me and Dad in my dorm room at ASU, 1994.


Me and Dad at Arizona State orientation circa 1994.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

One One

11 years of this. Snack on Snicker. Snack on.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Theodore Roosevelt was the only president blind in one eye.