Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mine Own Axe

Many moons ago my friend Chris lent me his daughter's Barbie pink guitar to learn on because she had lost interest. Many moons ago I failed to learn. Recently his daughter decided she wanted to learn again, so I returned it to him with my thanks. For some reason that has spurned in me a new resolve to get this one item off my bucket list. Enter my new lovely wood grain Yamaha Pacifica 112V. Having failed at self-teaching I plan on hitting up the local music academy and taking real lessons. We shall see, gentle readers, if this time I make something of it.

Sure is pretty though.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Silver Shovel

They tore down the building directly across the street from my office, cater-cornered to the new jail. I'm not going to bore you by following the construction of yet another building, but it was mildly interesting to watch the groundbreaking ceremony complete with silver shovels and everything. Hard to see but around the tent anyone in a white construction helmet was a "shoveler."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bottled Up

I finished Unavowed, an Indy game that was made by a tiny team of people. It's an old school adventure game, wander around talking to people and solving puzzles, often by using and combining items you find. The graphics were definitely simple and sometimes the writing was a bit lacking, but overall a fun throwback with a solid plot. I hope they go on to make another one.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

So Hot

I love me some hot chicken, as I have mentioned before. It's probably my favorite food. I was working from home and decided to hit up a local joint I'd been wanting to try, Moore's. It was good and I will be back, but not quite tier one good. I've tried just about every hot chicken there is so here's my official ranking that nobody but me cares about. Tier One: Hattie B's and 400 Degrees. Tier Two: Moore's, Bolton's, Party Fowl, Prince's, Pepperfire. Tier Three: Helen's. Tier Four: Any place that tries hot chicken but doesn't specializes in it (like O'Charlies, KFC)

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Me and Rob back in the day.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Traffic Jam

I've had my eye on Cities: Skylines for a long time having been a big fan of the SimCity series and wanting something in a similar vein. When it went on sale recently I snapped it up. It's definitely more complex than SimCity but they spoon feed you the concepts nicely so it doesn't overwhelm. Fun graphics, solid play. If you like this kind of game it's a good one, some might find it a little boring. My biggest flaw was I was terrible at designing efficient roadways. My little citizens spent a lot of time stuck in traffic.

Friday, February 15, 2019


Me as a Cub Scout.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hogging My Love

Twenty-two years my valentine and some things are still meant to be.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bad Drive

I don't want to make anyone jealous, but in my line of work you get to take a lot of cool pictures like this.

Monday, February 11, 2019


My Dad found a bunch of old pictures stashed away and we had fun looking at them. I scanned some of them in and decided to start a new feature of Snicker Snack, the flashbacks. Old pictures posted new for posterity.

Here was have Grampa Woody, me, Mari, Jenni and Dad with a baby Megan in his lap. Based on the decorations this is Christmas circa early 2000s.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Tara had a good checkup (for her age), it's telling that on the age chart her category ends at 12. She'll be 15 this year. Heart of a lion that one.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Top Up

The roofs are up on the office spaces for the jail, so probably not much to see from here until the building opens.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Mercury Matters

Crazy weather we've been having. Two days ago it was 7 degrees and today it's in the 60's. I took advantage of the warm day with a little outdoor reading while enjoying this Camacho Corojo cigar.

Friday, February 1, 2019


More turkeys are raised in California than in any other state in the United States.