Monday, October 22, 2018

The Dangle

Mystic's favorite way to nap.

Friday, October 19, 2018

White Turtle Green Banner

Visiting mom at Centennial after some vein blockage surgery.

Hope For A Better Tomorrow

Voted this morning. Hope springs eternal that the system still works and this country can redeem itself.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Jail Blocks

So the answer to whether that half wall was just going to be support has been answered, as they have blossomed into full walls. They also finished bricking up the sides. Doesn't seem to be a lot more going on outside of the jail so we might have another wait before something interesting happens.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Trigger Warning

Chrono Trigger is a game that came out in 1995 for the SNES, but not having a SNES I never played it. Chrono Trigger inevitably shows up on any "top some number" best games of all time lists, and is generally considered one of the best games ever made. Recently they made a port of it to PC and released it on Steam so it was finally my chance to experience one of gamings touchstones. Of course having aged 23 years the graphics were dated and some of the gameplay elements limited by the technology of the day, but I could see why it was so universally acclaimed. Great, complex story that weaved together well and many innovations that, for the time, I could see impressing people.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dead Funny

Mari and I saw The Play That Goes Wrong at TPAC tonight. It was really good, and the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Definitely recommended.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Going Gone

That was it, really an interesting time. We also got a swag bag with Nashville cliches inside (to me at least, most of the people were from out of town so they probably enjoyed it more.) A bag, inside of which was a lunch box, inside of which was little bottle of Jack Daniels, a shot glass from Jason Aldean's new bar, a harmonica, a moon pie, a goo goo cluster, and a guitar key chain.

Going Again 7

In the middle were Commvault experts you could ask questions of, as well as partner companies that either use or collaborate with Commvault hawking their products or telling you what their experiences have been. The most interesting one to me was the Christie display, they do all the fancy lighting and video effects for the NHL and NBA (maybe more but that's all I saw.)

Going Again 6

As well as scattered lounges with lots of power options for relaxing and charging your gear.

Going Again 5

There were also several labs with computers set up for more hands-on sessions.

Going Again 4

After the keynotes is was back to the expo floor they called Go Village. It was the same layout as yesterday, I just saved these pictures for today since I spent so much time on Bill Nye. There were breakout areas where classes and informational speakers went on about every 30 minutes or so. There were several big screens showing you who was talking when and where about what so you could plan which ones you wanted to attend.

Going Again 3

I was much further back this time so I couldn't get a very good picture, but the featured speaker was Evan Ruggiero. He's a dancer who was diagnosed with bone cancer which resulted in having his leg amputated. He talked about his story, then about how technology has advanced in prosthetic legs, and then he danced which was amazing. If you can see from the picture he swapped his multi-function leg with a simple peg and that's what he danced on.

Going Again 2

Once again starting in a large hall for some keynote speakers.

Going Again

Back at Orpyland for day two of the Commvault Conference.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Science Guy 4!

Knowing he was speaking I got there early and was in the second row, so my view was great but they also had large screens for those in back so here's a giant Nye!

The Science Guy 3!

He talked a little about his history, for instance his dad is a sun dial enthusiast and his mother was part of the team that broke the enigma code during WW2 (the slide on the screen pointing her out.) The main gist of his talk was about global warming and the facts and science proving it's a real thing. Then he wrapped up talking a little bit about space. I loved every minute of it.

The Science Guy 2!

He was every bit as interesting, funny and charming as you could hope. Seeing one of my favorite scientists and personalities live was definitely the highlight of the conference.

The Science Guy!

There was an intro speaker, then the CEO and COO of Commvault came out to welcome everyone and talk about where the company was headed. But there was only one event I was waiting for. The one and only Bill Nye!

Going 4

The day began with everyone in a massive hall (they later said over 2,000 people attended the conference and they all had to fit in this one room so it was big.) While we waited for the keynote speaker to begin a live country band kept us entertained. The most interesting song being a country version of "Royals".

Going 3

The Delta section of Opryland where the Go conference was located. I've been here a few times in the past, but the boots were new.

Going 2

Navigating the maze that is Opryland's massive campus.


Commvault is a big player in the data management game and we use their products at work. They have a big annual conference and this year it was at the Opryland Hotel so I got to attend!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Air You Can Wear Dash

An Arizona sunrise courtesy of Mari. I picked her up from her trip this afternoon.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Down Comforter

We got this nice new bed that's supposed to be extra good for dogs with joint problems. Of course Tara will have nothing to do with it. In fact all three seemed to be avoiding it religiously but I finally coaxed Mystic to give it a go.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Dry Heat Dash

I dropped Mari off this morning to whisk away to Arizona to spend the weekend with Grams and Casie. And, well really any excuse to throw up the pitchfork!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Speaking Of History

This lead me to seeing if I had a before picture, and I kind of did. Check this out and see how much has changed since 2010. For one of course, the picture quality is immensely better. But in the past eight years they built that parking garage in on the lower right, that apartment building in the back right, and you can see in the old picture what used to be a field with a parking lot is now the museum. Also that construction area in the mid right will be the Tennessee State Library and Historial Archive, opening in 2019.

History Building

I have watched them building the Tennessee State Museum as I walked through Bicentennial Park each morning, and today is the grand opening. I didn't track it's progress like the jail, I figured pictures of one building going up was enough. Looks interesting we'll have to visit sometime.

Monday, October 1, 2018


Let's all dress up as concerned citizens this year.