Friday, September 28, 2018

Pretty Sad

We still get small herds of deer wandering through our neighborhood. They're beautiful to look at, but it's sad we've taken so much of their home away.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Wall Walls

Still don't know what the half wall or the squares are for yet, but they started bricking up the lower half of the jail today. The bricks are dark so I assume they will end up matching that dark strip above.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Alpaca Farming

Rimworld is an indy game as you could probably guess by the retro graphics. It's a city builder I've been playing on and off for a while now and enjoying. I usually post about a game after I beat it, but you don't really win Rimworld so I thought now was a good as time as any to add it to the blog.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Jail Update

Still not sure what that wall is going to turn out to be, but more progress has been made on the outside. They dug a bunch of square holes in the ground and then filled them with concrete. Not sure about those either maybe future light posts? They also mounted the doors in most of the doorframes, and sprayed the lower walls with a brown coating.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hatchet Job

Finished up Wolfenstein II today. Not as good as the first one plot wise, this one was super uneven in that regard, but still a fun shoot 'em up worth the play.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Buncha Bums

Tara, Mystic and Maddie in their natural state on our bed.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Bacon Beacon

After 20 years the light in our kitchen finally went out and we didn't want to stick with the halogen so we replaced it with this LED. It's bright. Like, really bright. Batman swings by from Gotham thinking we signaled. When we turn it on we get calls from the ISS asking us to keep it down. I'm pretty sure I can see back in time when it's on. That black squiggle is a wire that will be fixed later with some zip ties.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Cake Is A Lie

Having Sunday dinner with the folks and we wanted a nice dessert that was both gluten free and diet friendly so I found this no gluten, no sugar or butter or other bad stuff carrot cake recipe. It came out looking amazing and tasting like crap. Back to the drawing board.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Stick It To The Man

We decided to try out the theater again this year after taking a couple off (admittedly heavily prompted by the fact it meant getting first crack at Hamilton tickets later on.) The first show of the season was School of Rock. Maybe not the best play but it was a fun show with a talented cast which made up for any shortcomings.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Questionable Walls

Something new at the jail, they appear to be building a wall of some sort but I'm not yet sure of the purpose or even if it's a wall. Perspective makes it hard sometimes, maybe it's actually the same height as the ground beyond it and it's some kind of bulwark.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

From Skylines To Saints

Hearts and parathyroids.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Reverse Mango

This little furball has been hanging out around our house lately. So far we have resisted any attempts at contact, least we have another Mango situation. We'll see.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Smaller Surface

Mari and I both have Surface Pros for work and really like them, so when Microsoft came out with a cheaper home version called the Go we thought we'd get one to use around the house. We've only had it a day but so far very happy with it. They're popular too apparently, we had to drive down to West Nashville because they were sold out everywhere but this one Best Buy (including, shockingly enough, Amazon.)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018