Friday, February 23, 2018

The Bald And The Bubble

It takes a village to change some tires. We found out last night that a bad pothole had put a bubble in the front right tire, and while checking the others found the front left was badly worn. We planned on taking the car in Saturday but Dad was kind enough to take it to the shop during the day and get the tires replaced. Of course it's rainy and muddy out there so our new tires didn't get to stay new looking for long.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Second Time Sinner

Finished this beast of a game last night. Divinity: Original Sin 2 has a name just as silly as it's predecessor. I didn't particularly enjoy the first one and hadn't planned on getting this, but Mari did and after watching her play it a bit I thought I would give it a try. It's much better than the first one, but still won't make my favorites list. Worth the time and effort though.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Some Vday flowers for my sweetie. Nothing says romance like flowers and a blood pressure cuff. (No, I didn't get Mari a blood pressure monitor for Valentine's Day, it just happened to be in the photo.)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

At The Office

It seems to be somewhat lacking.

Ruff Day

I question the work ethic of my coworkers in this brave new endeavor.


By popular demand JIS is rolling out a pilot program testing the benefits of telecommuting. We're starting off being allowed to chose two days a month to do so. Today is my first chosen day (with my work tablet there in the corner.) Of course we've all worked from home now and then for various reasons, but never in this context. If all goes well we might see telecommuting once or twice a week. Time will tell!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Love In Space

Courtesy of NASA's picture of the day, and in honor of upcoming Valentine's Day,  I bring you nebula IC 1805. Otherwise known as the Heart Nebula. I love stuff like this, a constant reminder the natural world creates more beautiful things than we do.

Friday, February 9, 2018


An Arizona barn owl having a snack from the back of Arizona Highways. No reason, just really liked it.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

No More Stories

The main structure of the jail is complete now at four stories. There will be an administrative section that will be five there on the right. They say it will be another year before it's done, but there won't be much to see for a while as most of the construction will be internal.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Still Jazzy

My Jazz collection grows as yet another new version of him is released. The movies may have been an abomination against mankind, but at least they kept the Transformers relevant.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


February's WOTM. Because there's no Groundhog of the Month.