Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Four Moons In One

This morning around 6am Nashville got our peek at the super rare Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, which sounds like a bad energy drink flavor. This convergence of factors last happened 152 years ago.  I didn't get a picture of it, cell cameras never do celestial shots well, so here it is over New York instead.

What makes a Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse? First we have the "super moon" which is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth and appears larger than usual in the sky. Then we have the "blue moon" which has nothing to do with color, it just means a second full moon in the same month which rarely happens. Next the "blood moon"which does refer to color. The sun's rays filtered through Earth's atmosphere during a lunar eclipse turn the moon a copper color. However depending on your area you don't see the eclipse, or only part of it, just the blood moon. And finally of course, the lunar eclipse itself, which is when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon.

Here in Nashville we only got about a half eclipse, but it was still cool to see.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Dirty Dancing

Just a normal Sunday around here, cleaning the house while Groot dances to Clutch.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hello World

Mari just got back from Atlanta where she welcomed a new soul into the Greer (Ireland/Hulden/Christensen) Clan; Mackenzie. She was born on Monday the 22nd.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Cloud Sounds

But luckily (debatable perhaps) we live in a world of near instant gratification, so two days later I have a new set from a certain rain forest related store. The sound is just as amazing on these but what really hit me was how light and comfortable they are. Technology progresses and shrinks as always, these make my old set feel like head-mounted bricks.


My beloved headphones broke after many years of use. I tried to superglue them back together but it was right on a flex point and wouldn't hold. They were some of the first high end gaming, multi-directional headphones and had pretty exceptional sound quality. Such is the cycle of things.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Building A Better Dog

Finished Watch Dogs 2 last night. It was much better than the first one, and their rendering of San Francisco was one of the prettiest and most well done settings I've seen in any game, but it still had plenty of flaws. The biggest one being the incongruity between the story and the gameplay. You play the role of a group of activist hackers taking on greed and violence propagated by evil corporations, and then turn around and mow down lots of guards on a mission. The direct contradiction kind of takes away from what was otherwise a good story.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


There were so many people it spilled out and up the lawn of the Tennessee State Capitol building. It was awesome to see and be surrounded by so many people all united for a similar cause, and hopefully it invigorated the attendees and others to get out a do more...especially voting and getting others to vote!


I think they may have underestimated how many people would attend because the section of the Mall they had set up with large monitors and a stage quickly filled up.

Street Sweeper

And then we marched. The route ran from the Public Square to Bicentennial Mall, and here you could really get a sense of the numbers as the line went on and on out of sight.

Speak Louder

There were speeches from various women's advocates, as well as Muslim and black. In between there were three musical acts, and then much to our approval Mayor Megan Barry herself gave a talk. There were a lot of local politicians, it was nice to see them making it clear who they supported, as last year they didn't show up.

Public Full Of Public

By the time 2 pm rolled around the square was packed. The march for science I attended last year had an estimated 4,000 people. Over 15,000 people came to this one, that's pretty amazing.

January March

The Greer clan attended the 2018 Women's March today, the four of us arriving a little early at the Public Square where there was already a sizable crowd. I didn't go to last year's, though Mari did.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Toy Pillow

Mad always has a toy somewhere near, sometimes serving a dual purpose.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cold Feets

Just a couple of old girls in the snow.

Cold Start

It's a balmy 8 degrees this morning after getting a good couple inches of snow yesterday. Work is doing a delayed opening, so we don't have to go in until 9. According to the news the roads are mostly clear and we have a Jeep so, you know, not worried.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Cosmic Tea Bagging

What better way to spend a snowbound afternoon than watching it fall and drinking some tea, courtesy of my rocket man and his capsule.

Always Bet On 7

Around noon a new wave of snow came in and really started dropping some flakes, the opposite of the other day. They let us go early again. Of course we got home no problem thanks to the mighty Jeep. Any excuse to use snow mode makes me happy.

Downtown Dusting

Back to work and my view of Nashville in snow.

Monday, January 15, 2018


Mission accomplished.


My MLK day task: replace the drafty, rickety dog door with a new one. It's not just the flap anymore, you can see where the frame is falling apart too.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Cold Feet

Just an old girl in the snow.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

No Balls

It finally really snowed overnight, though we only ended up with about an inch and half. The snow is also too loose to make a good snowman or snowball. Oh well, it's still pretty.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Overly Alert

We went into work this morning, then about an hour later they closed and we came back home. All day it was clear, then around 3 it finally dusted a little. It's one of those damned if you do /don't things. They close early and nothing happens or they don't close and it's snowmageddon. Guess I can't complain about a free day off, but not sure it was justified. Though I will say there were some wrecks on the freeway later in the day I'm glad we missed.

Monday, January 8, 2018


And so we begin with 2018's first wolf of the month.

Monday, January 1, 2018


It was the best of years, it was the worst of years. Time to see what this new one has to offer, as we celebrate it's arrival with breakfast ebelskivers and the glasses they gave away at the Predators game. Most startling of all, a people picture! All in attendance approved this message.