Sunday, December 31, 2017

Until Next Year

And lo as the decorations are exploded, so must they be packed away.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Preds vs Wild

Mom's birthday gift to Dad (and us all really), tickets to tonight's Predators game. They've gotten so expensive it's really a treat to go see them live these days. Kind of a slow game through the first two periods, then the Preds came alive and ended up winning 3-0. You can see on the screen the pink ad for the free donuts you get when they manage a shutout.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Birthday Wars

As a part of Dad's birthday we went to see Star Wars: Last Jedi. I thought it was just OK, though not because it violated some sense of my Star Wars fanboy sensibilities. I understand it's the new chapter and some of the old ways must go. Although how they just kind of dismissed Admiral Ackbar with barely a mention was pretty lousy. Anywho I just thought it was too long and had too many weak or flawed plots. Still, it wasn't bad, just not great so I can see where the divide is.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Alert Canine

Finished Watch Dogs today. It's a fairly old game that got decidedly mixed reviews so I ended up skipping it. The sequel Watch Dogs 2 got very good reviews so I bought part 2 on a Steam sale recently. Well Ubisoft (who makes these games) puts free games up on their service now and then, and it so happened they put up Watch Dogs 1 for free. You can't beat the price so I figured I'd play it before I played part 2. I can see why it got mixed reviews, it certainly had flaws, but I enjoyed it so it was well worth the time put into the story.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Chicken Dinner

I won the family fantasy football league this year. Yay me.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Home Cooked Meal

After a nice visit with the Atlanta Irelands we drove home from Atlanta in the afternoon. We wanted to stay longer but also wanted a day of rest before going back to work. We were planning on just getting Chinese takeout, but my folks came down with all the leftovers from our original Christmas dinner and we did it up right! A nice way to end Christmas.


The big day has arrived! Christmas morning in Atlanta.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Southern Sparkles II

The carnival was cold so we didn't stay long, but they had an amazing Santa even if Payton didn't want to meet him.They didn't allow pictures of him you didn't pay for though, I guess Santa has to finance his operation somehow.

Southern Sparkles

We capped the evening by driving through the Lake Lanier Lights, a seven mile stretch of light displays ending in a carnival with a Santa.

Good Justice

Justice League had gotten decidedly mixed reviews and I didn't think Superman vs Batman was all that good, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It turned out to be much better than I had anticipated, certainly had flaws but was very entertaining.

Cinematic Decadence

We started the day meeting Lonnie at Panera after he got off his night shift, then relaxed for a while before heading out to see a movie. We wanted Star Wars but it was sold out so we settled for Justice League. They took Mari and I to this amazing theater with full recliner seats and swing out trays where they serve you full meals, right at your seat while you watch. We have got to get one of these in Nashville, movies will never be the same.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dashing All The Way

We headed down to Atlanta today to spend Christmas with Lonnie, Ashley, and Payton (and DiNozzo, Oreo, Roxy, Lion, Tiger, Bear, and Jethro.) It was great to see them and nice to meet Ashley's side of the family for a chili and gifts get-together.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Drawn In

For my Christmas gift Mari commissioned this wolf from Casie. Amazing! The white puck in the upper right is just a reflection by the way.

Beforemass II

Followed by an early gift exchange.


A very nice diner with the parents before heading down to Atlanta tomorrow, complete with a memorable wine.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Sailor's Delight

A beautiful sunset sky over Hendersonville tonight.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Today marks my eighth year working at JIS.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Another picture from my wanderings in the Bicentennial Mall, the Zero Milestone. The point from which all state highways are distanced.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Bit Of Faith Restored

I was certain this would turn out the other way. DOUG JONES WINS! Shocked and delighted. Dump Ray Moore on the trash heap of history and move on to a better world.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Gingerly Working

We had the JIS holiday party today, along with a lunch we did Dirty Santa and split into teams to build gingerbread houses. My partner was my boss Lisa. We ran out of time so the sides aren't decorated.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Lighter House

I got the replacement lights installed from the ones that died and all is well.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Another Wang Adventure

Just finished Shadow Warrior 2. It was a general disappointment, though the main character Lo Wang and his interactions with the denizens of his world were still very entertaining. Unfortunately there were far too few of them, the story could have been good but was poorly told, the game play was solid but got very repetitive very quickly, and the ending was a total letdown. So, yeah not going to make my top ten list.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Exploded Maize

It must be Christmas because there's Garret Popcorn in the house! Just as good as ever, and soon Tara will have a new bowl stand.

Monday, December 4, 2017


Arguably the best non-travel related month of the year.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Cheerful IV

So we're good when Santa drops by.

Cheerful III

...the decorating.

Cheerful II

...the rest of...


Meanwhile we finished...

Light House

We might not rival Cheekwood, but it's time for the lights to go up on the Lower Greer house! Well, mostly. Somehow despite being safely stored in a box, half of our net lights stopped working. We'll get the rest of the bushes shiny soon.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Light Limbs

Maybe not quite as good as last year since much of it was the same, but I think we'll probably still do it again.


Several of the light installations are out on water and the reflections are cool.

True Colors II

And it was just as pretty as the first time.

A Light Walk II

...Cheekwood's Holiday LIGHTS, because we had such a good time last year. That's how they advertise it by the way, with the word lights in all caps so I figured I'd do the same. I imagine someone saying "Holiday" normal then screaming "LIGHTS" very dramatically every time I read it. Maybe that's just me.

Light Meal

Dinner at J. Alexander's (excellent as always), with a nice view of Centennial Park and it's lights dolled up for Christmas. A warm up to our second visit to...