Wednesday, August 30, 2017


They've put up a few more walls since last time, and just recently dug out trenches for, then installed a bunch of what I assume are plumbing pipes (all those white tubes sticking up.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Crazy Train

Some lunatic tagged this train car.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Did Not Add

So I was looking at a friend's blog and saw they were getting their DNA checked which reminded me that I had posted about my own adventures in tube-spitting a while back but never followed up. We got the results back ages ago, I just forgot. Turns out I'm pretty much a European mutt. Mostly British and Irish.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


The Sniper Elite series isn't spectacular. Set in WWII this is a series I enjoy, but would never pay full price for. I always wait until it hits the virtual bargain bin. Part 3 here I got for 9 bucks on Steam sale. What brings me back is it's just a fun game with very solid sniping mechanics. It's not deep, it'll only last about 10 hours of game play. But it's good, Nazi killing, popcorn fun. And can't we all use a little of that lately?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Now And Then: No Jimi

Hard to believe I started my journey to learn guitar almost 5 years ago. Back then I gave myself a 50-50 chance. Looks like I was about right. I learned a little. About 3 years ago I borrowed the pink guitar and went electric. I learned a little more. Still can't play. People have been encouraging me to get lessons locally and I think I might do that if I work up the gumption. Time to either learn the thing or admit defeat.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Playing With Dirt

Stardew Valley is an indie game about starting a farm in a small town. There's a lot more to it than that including adventuring in a monster-filled mine, fishing, and many other activities, but at its core it's a farm sim. It's also crazy addictive and I've put a ton of time into it. I think I'm finally ready to put it down and move on the to next game, but this was a little gem. Mari just started playing it and she's hooked too. 

Monday, August 21, 2017


I have given my glasses to Ultra Sentinel Bititron for safe keeping. The next American eclipse is in 2024. Maybe we'll go eclipse hunting. I can now see why people do.

Corona Light

The sun went behind a thick, dark cloud just minutes before the expected totality at 1:28 pm. We thought, well shoot that's it. Then like it was meant to be a perfect circle opened up in the cloud and we got the watch the whole two minute event, and the second it was over the cloud closed over it again. That almost made it a little more cool. It lived up to the hype. It's hard to describe in words but it was very powerful, moving even. Really glad I got to experience it and be there with Mari too. I'll try and find a good picture taken by a professional and add it later.

Cloud Assist

I believe this one took a normal shot because the clouds acted as a natural filter. It's the best one I got by far.

Technicolor Moon

One exception was this strange aberration of a picture. First of all the eclipse is happening lower in the screen, where the big bright blob is. Secondly the direction of the eclipse was opposite of what is shown in the crescent. But somehow it captured a weird, backwards, textured, blue side image of the eclipse. I'm sure there's some scientific explanation.

Picture Phone

I took a lot of pictures leading up to the full eclipse, but as a far as cell phone cameras have come they are still no match for a "real" camera. Most of the pictures of the eclipse I got looked like this, just a big bright blob in the sky with no indication of the moon moving in front of the sun.

Sun Tease

The day was cloudy, so the sun kept slipping behind them. It was kind of funny because every time it went away you'd hear the entire crowd groan, and every time it came back out they would all cheer.

Shotsun Wedding

I didn't get a good picture of it, but a couple had a courthouse step eclipse wedding. That's the bride in the white dress with the flowers.


And it filled up even more the closer it got to 1:28 (the expected time of totality.)


It was pretty full.


They let both Mari and my work go for a few hours to watch the eclipse, so we met up and walked over to the Courthouse Public Square with most of her office.

Day and Night Game

The ballpark was open early to eclipse viewers, to be followed by a 4 o'clock Sounds game.

Theme Bag

So the great eclipse that has been so hyped has finally arrived. My boss Lisa gave us all a pizza lunch and theme bags. Pretty cute I think.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Arizona Unbossed

Jim and Trish who had moved to Arizona in past years were back in town for the eclipse, so we had dinner with them at Casa Vieja tonight. It was good to catch up.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Field Test

I ordered a "crushable" hat that I wanted to be able to pack for an upcoming trip. Looks like they wanted to prove it really was.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


My Uncle Mick passed through town on a road trip and stopped in Nashville for the night before heading down to Louisiana. We got to have a nice dinner and spend some time talking. Always good to get some time with Uncle Mick, who is also a Miata enthusiast. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of his, but this is close. Same color and accent stripe.

Friday, August 11, 2017

One Heart Two Paintings

And here you have the result from Mari and I. Mine's on the left. We followed it up with a dish of ice cream from Culver's. All in all a really fun, nice way to celebrate 49 years. Not something you see very often these days. Mari and I are almost at 20, we'll get there.

Half A Half Done

Stage two. A stage being basically how far you get before you have to stop and let it dry for a bit.

Crossover Episode

Stage one. What's unique about this particular session, is that it was designed for couples. So unlike our first attempt at this, our paintings will end up crossing over onto each other's.

Y no I

...and found our seats (with the happens all the time misspelling of Mari.)


So we loaded up our cups....


To celebrate my parent's 49th wedding anniversary we went out to do a couples sip and paint at a new studio here in Hendersonville.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


I've never seen a structure like this being built before, it's been interesting to see how they make the vertical walls by building forms and then filling them from the top with concrete. The forms have sections blocked out with wood, which then become windows and doors.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Now And Then: The Gift Of Sight

Not the most exiting information but hey, chronicling my specs through the years. Ah, remember the old clip-on sunglasses?

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


So long Mooch.