Sunday, June 25, 2017


I think I was a victim of hype on this movie. It had gotten such rave reviews I was expecting to be completely blown away, so I think my expectations were too high. That said, Wonder Woman was still a very good, entertaining movie and well worth seeing. It just wasn't GotG good. But I guess it's all in the beholder.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Like Peanut Butter And Chocolate

Two great things, coming together.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


After much digging and moving earth about, they are finally starting to build the new jail.

Monday, June 12, 2017

So Close Yet So Far

The Predators lost to the Pens in the Stanley Cup final, the series was 4-2. There are a lot of positives to take away, like the 16th seed going to the final. Like aside from Rinne and Fisher the team is very young. Like they battled through a lot of injuries and still won on. But the cup would have been better.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


To Tennessee.


And then the trip was over, and I was heading back from Washington....

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Even More Coffee

After the brunch Jenni, Steve, Scott and I went to another favorite coffee spot of theirs called Ristrettos. What they most like about it is the view, as on a clear day you can see Mount Rainier from the patio. It had become a joke (since it was overcast every day I was there and I never got to see it) that Mount Rainier was just a myth propagated by the locals to draw in tourists. So Steve called up a picture of the mountain and we enjoyed coffee and a "view of Mount Rainier."

Sunless Sky

Steve's Dad Marth is an astronomy buff, so there was much conversation about the big eclipse coming up on Aug. 21st and the fact that one of the cities with best view will be Nashville, TN.

Party On

We begin today with another graduation party, this one a brunch with Megan's friends (the dinner was a family only event.)

Friday, June 9, 2017

Crew View

It was right on the water, so the view out the window was nice too.

Graduation Grub

We had Megan's official graduation celebratory meal at a place called the Ram in Tacoma. Great place, and as a fun bit of trivia if you look in the upper right you'll see a flag for Bellarmine. Not my Bellarmine, but an interesting coincidence.

Wall Crawler

As we were leaving I took this trying to get a shot of the ocean view. It didn't turn out well so it was going to be a throw away picture and then I noticed the light on the left. A statue of a man holding a lamp walking down the wall. I thought it was cool so I'm posting it.

Icky Shuffle

We then went to the least hygienic alley I've ever seen. It's called Bubblegum Alley and, yep the entire alley is covered in old chewing gum. It's actually pretty cool to see, just don't touch the walls.


I did get to see the show (which they don't just do all the time, someone has to actually buy a fish), but I didn't manage to get a picture of it. It was just as fun as advertised.


Then of course, the Pike Place Fish Co and their world renowed fish throwing.

Mosey In The Posies

After getting more coffee (I know, right?), we wandered through the famous flower market, with every shade of every flower you can think of in a bucket somewhere.

Heading On To A Pike

We ate lunch at the Roastery, then drove to Pike Place Market. I had already seen the Space Needle on a previous visit so I wanted to see this other famous location.

Bearded Bean Boss

Jenni and Steve know the guy who manages the Roastery. She name dropped and this nice gentleman (who's name I unfortunately forget) came over and gave us a knowledgeable tour of how everything works.

Smells Like Bean Spirit

It's a very hip, industrial vibe inside with about 1/3 of the space dedicated to little eating areas (not pictured) and the other 2/3 the plant where Starbucks makes their Reserve (i.e. high end) selections that get sent out to shops around the world. You can sample lots of different special coffee, which I did even though I don't generally drink straight coffee, but hey when in Rome.

The Starriest Buck

With Megan sleeping off her all night school sanctioned after graduation party, Jenni, Mom, Dad, and I did a little Seattle sight seeing. We started with, what else, coffee. The Starbucks mecca, their Roastery.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Paper Trail

And then the name calling started. The good kind, as each student got their diploma. Here is Megan coming down the stairs after receiving hers.

The Gang's All Here

All of the graduates filed in and took their seats, then various speakers did their thing with brief musical interludes in between from a school band.

Getting With The Program

Some light reading before the commencement commences.

Admit One

My ticket to the big show.

Give It The Beans

Breakfast at Vintage in Maple Valley with Jenni, Mom and Dad. One of the three million coffee shops in the area. It'd been a really long time since it was just the four of us, we had a nice long chat over excellent java and a few bagels.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Seattle Sound

We kicked off the visit with a choir performance including Scott.

Coastal Accommodations

Staying at the Christensen's house for the duration of my visit, and they prepared a cozy room.


Over Seattle.


Waiting at the airport with Mom and Dad for our flight out to Seattle for Megan's high school graduation! Time flies and so do we.

Saturday, June 3, 2017


Does this bowl make my blog look classy?

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Graduation Gallivanting.