Sunday, April 30, 2017

Now And Then: Lunch Limn

Some people take the old adage if it's not broke don't fix it a little too far. I might be one of them.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


And finally, since it was on the way back to the car, we stopped and walked through the new art installation downtown called Witness Walls depicting scenes of local civil rights moments. Big day for us hobbits!

Unicorns And Science Don't Mix

Pretty soaked from the rain we stopped in at Starbucks to rest and dry off a little. We all got "normal" drinks but had to give in and at least try the unicorn. Consensus? All four thought it was terrible.

Scienceville, TN II

This wasn't the official logo, but I liked this Nashvillian take on it too.

Scienceville, TN

This was the official logo of the march worldwide, with each location editing the icon in the middle. Some examples: The march in San Jose had a microchip in the middle, Philadelphia had the liberty bell, Portland had what I think was a reindeer, San Francisco had the Golden Gate, etc, etc.  We of course, had the music note.

And Yet They Persisted

About half way through the march it started to rain but it didn't dull the crowd. We were near the front so we finished and then watched this line keep going and going and going.

Hobbit Helper

This sign seemed particularly appropriate for me.

Science Not Silence

It was so energizing to be in this mass of people walking right down the middle of a major road, everyone united for a common cause, talking, chanting, waving signs.

Snake Oil

And then the march was on, but first they asked for volunteers to help carry the "no more pipelines" snake. This was actually taken earlier before things got really crowded.

Science Speakers

There were five speakers before the march, all local scientists and doctors. They were also all good, they kept it fairly short and on point with good, powerful messages.

Act On Evidence, Not Preference

It's been raining heavily for a few days and this one was no different, but we caught a break for the start of the rally. When we got there the square was about half full, by the time the speeches were done it was overflowing (final count later was around 4,000 people.)

Theory Of Relativity

Mari, Mom, Dad and I went downtown to participate in the Earth Day / Science March. On the way there we couldn't pass up a chance to say hello to my Great Great Uncle Alvin York.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Morning Glory

Last night's jerseys were hung over the banister with care, in hopes future sweeps soon would be there.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Bring Out The Brooms

Awesome game, fun to watch with all the Tennessee Greers, and who would have thunk it, the Predators sweep!!


Then we made it home in time to watch most of game 4 of the Preds taking on the Blackhawks.

Donkey Punch

Trying to be more active in the Trump era we attended our first pot luck at the Sumner County branch of the Democrats tonight. Hashtag: Grassroots.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Beverage Believer

Apparently the unicorn is not so magical for the baristas under siege by people buying this thing.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Eggceptional Spread

Mari starting to set the table for Easter dinner. She has a plate for everything.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Double Blank

There's still a very long way to go, but who would have thought the playoffs would start with the Preds shutting out the Hawks twice on the road. It's been fun to watch!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Now And Then: Movin' On Up

I started at JIS nearly eight years ago in a cube. Hard to be believe it's been that long, and I've certainly upgraded my digs since then.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dog In A Cat Hat

Whimsy is everywhere.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Now And Then: Relevant As Ever

This remains one of my favorite things from my time at the Nashville Scene, and it's message is more relevant now than ever. At some point my lovely wife had it framed for me and it hangs proudly in the upstairs hall.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Pet The Rainbow

Mystic is a pot of gold.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Now And Then: Cutting The Cheese

I miss Asiago bagels most of all since discovering certain foods, most of them aged cheeses, trigger migraines. Of course the fact I got sick after eating them should have clued me in sooner but I'm not that bright.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bumper Car Voyeurism

Today's excitement was seeing one car T-bone another into a light post at the intersection just below my window and then hanging out to watch events unfold.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Home Made Worms

Payton is in town for the week, we made do it yourself gummy worms this evening.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017


April. Containing the 22nd. Which is Earth Day and also a march for science.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Now And Then: Sandis

I've had Sandis for for 23 years now. He's moved on up, to a deluxe landing in the sky.