Tuesday, February 28, 2017


There's actually a dog on the camera!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

To Love Hockey

When you click on the banner it takes you to this page. Hockey is for everyone. Every company should be doing this.

More Reasons

The NHL site is running this banner on the left side.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

High Light

The clock tower illuminated as we walk to our car after the game.

Russian Around

Of course I was rooting against him, but still neat to see one of the all time greats in person, number 8 Alexander Ovechkin.

Preds vs Capitols

My Dad's birthday present finally arrives. Great game, 5-2 win.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Berry Good

We love this restaurant, the Chocolate Covered Strawberry, but very seldom get to. It's only open for lunch, and on the weekend it is so packed it's ridiculous. So the Tennessee Greers took advantage of being off for President's Day and hit this spot for lunch. So good.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Finding Our Roots

Mom and Dad surprised us with these kits from Ancestry DNA, one for me and one for Mari. We did them immediately and shipped them off. In a few weeks we'll see where we came from genetically, we're both very excited. Being adopted I have no clue what mine will say!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Ground Up

They've cleaned up and leveled off the ground, so I'm assuming construction will being in the near future.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Travelin' Tin

Ultra Sentinel Bititron sure does get around, though his more popular nickname has become Little Red Man in the office.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

So Pedestrian

I've been going on walks at lunch to try and get in better shape since the big surprise, and my current route takes me through Bicentennial Park. Pretty grounds and mostly peaceful views except when a train comes clunking and whistling by, but even that has it's charms.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


After eating the strawberries cards were traded, one from me (middle), one for me (left), and one from the dogs (you can probably guess.)

Berry Nice

We came home from work to discover two chocolate covered strawberries left by Mom and Dad for Valentine's Day, which was a thoughtful thing to do.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Poor Justice

Haven't posted a Scene in a while either. Found several copies of this edition in the break room, running an article about how the Public Defender is overworked and underfunded.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


I think more bird seed goes into these critters than the birds. There's a fifth squirrel not seen behind the tree.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Definitly Not Cuban

Another unseasonably warm day for a Nashville winter, so after getting a lot done around the house I tired out this Padron 2000 cigar. Not nearly as good as that Cuban.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Streetscapes X

Haven't done one of these in a while. The Historic Courthouse and the UBS HQ. Man, do you think phone cameras have gotten a little better since 2008?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rocket Science

I got this game after hearing good reviews, though the graphics aren't the best. In it you play the role of the director of the space agency for a race called the Kerbal as they try to get to the Mun (their version of the moon.) You start from nothing and build and research more and more complex rockets. The problem is you also have to fly them. I really enjoy the building part, not so much the flying part so I don't think this game is going to last. But that's more me than a problem with the game, I can see why it's popular.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

In The Sky

Not sure how this became space week, but continuing the theme they just released this picture of the Butterfly Nebula taken by the Hubble.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Out There

Sticking with the space theme, this is an actual photograph of Jupiter taken by the Juno spacecraft. The detail and the swirling storms are amazing.

Monday, February 6, 2017

What's In A Name

I love space stuff, as you all know. I like this picture taken by the VLT Survey Telescope not just because it's very pretty but because it shows scientists have fun and imagination. These are two nebulae, the one in the upper right is the Cat Paw Nebula and in the bottom left is the Lobster Nebula. Can you see it?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Family Bowl

But the best part was having family around to watch it with (missing only Mad who had retired for the evening.)

Gaga Bowl

Then we watched as the Falcons had the biggest collapse in Super Bowl history, giving up 31 unanswered points in the 4th quarter. We were rooting for the Falcons but really didn't have a dog in this hunt.

Bowl Day

We started it off by watching the Puppy Bowl, during which we discovered there is also now a Kitten Bowl and a Fish Bowl (although apparently the Fish Bowl is in it's 4th year.)

Saturday, February 4, 2017


It was a mild afternoon so I decided to relax with this gift from my boss at work. The Hoya de Monterrey Epicure Especial, a true Cuban cigar. I'm still a novice so I can't really tell certain tastes and things experts talk about, but I can tell you even from my limited experience I could tell the difference. Quite good.

Friday, February 3, 2017

High Rise

The second game in the rebooted Tomb Raider series. Solid voice acting, good plot, the game mechanics were a little clunky to me but that didn't overtly damage the overall enjoyment.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Save them, the environment, the people, the planet in general. Do something. Anything.