Sunday, March 29, 2015


A little paint makes a big difference.


Now that we've decided we're staying in Tennessee, we've been on a reinvigorated mission to get the house fixed up. Starting with little things like the very weathered door to the crawl space.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Triple Dog Dare

Vying for who gets to lick mom's pudding cup clean tonight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Turn To Page

The original Wasteland came out in 1987 and was one of my favorite games. It was one of the first games to have a persistent state world, meaning things you did changed "the world" when back then most games reset areas as soon as you left them. Hard drives were still a luxury back then so when you got the game the manual told you to make a copy of the disk first and play the copy so those changes wouldn't overwrite the original. The game was also very text heavy (since graphics were also a luxury back then), so much so it came with a book, and when you got to certain scenes it would tell you to open the book to page x and read what happened. We've come a long way.

Anyway, for various reasons a sequel never got made though the Fallout series is considered a spiritual successor to Wasteland. Then Kickstarter became a thing and the original makers created one to fund Wasteland 2. So here in 2015 we finally get Wasteland 2. Not as good as the first, but then I think that might be a lot of nostalgia talking, but still a very good game.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Ballpark Update

The grass is in, and with only a couple of weeks left before opening day, the updates are soon be to be over.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Persistent Pecker

The woodpeckers are some of our favorite, prettiest birds. They also seem to think the bugs inside our Bradford pear are tasty too.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Sprung

The weather today was perfect, it made it easy to get outside and start on all those house projects the winter shelved.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pip N' Mag

Tonight's play and dinner was Pippin. The titular character wasn't that great, but the rest of the cast was. Strange play, part circus acrobatics, part magic show, part sing along, part musical.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day

Of course there is a Pi day every March 14th, but this one is special. Given the date and the time it allows for more digits, a feat that won't be repeated for a hundred years. So on March 14th, 2015 at 9:26:53, the official date and time is....3.141592653! (And notice I posted this just in time, though the it doesn't show seconds so I couldn't do the 53.)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ballpark Update

The seats are in, the green scoreboard is almost done, and that black structure to the middle left is going to be a guitar shaped video screen.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Yellow Snow

Then we took the dogs out to play in it. Tara immediately unearthed a toy to be thrown / chase while the other two ran around.

Mo' Snow

Mari and I didn't have a reason to go out, but we wanted to hoon the Jeep around in the snow a little.


Compared to our brethren in the North, we haven't had it that bad. But still, we got hit with another wave of snow, pretty significant for Nashville. Another day off of work at least.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Mari got me a USB extender robot, it's hard to see but it's eyes glow green. I called him Ultra Sentinel Bititron. He is a benevolent robot overlord.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Life Marches on.