Wednesday, September 24, 2014

1 of 6

So we've made it through the 1st week of rehab. I think this entire month has basically been about Maddie. She's doing well, back to loving toys so that's a good sign. 5 more to go.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


It's been a long time since we got out of the house and had some fun, so we finally escaped to go see The Maze Runner and have dinner with the Kramer Clan. Average movie, good dinner, great company.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ruff Road

Mad is doing great! After so many weeks of her struggling I keep waiting for some setback or relapse, but she just keeps getting better and better.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just Getting Started

Mad is home and on her way to many, many more good years ahead.


Waiting to pick up Maddie, I've got my rehab instructions and a bunch of new meds, now I just need my mutt.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Wait

So it turned out she had completely blown out the disk between her 2nd and 3rd vertebra, which according to the Doc is about the most painful spot a dog can do it. (On a side note, it was never her back, it was always her neck but I can't fault her primary Vet. He's a great doc, but that's not his specialty, hence sending us to a specialist.)  They got her a CT and then took her right into surgery and we've been waiting all day for news. The surgery went perfectly and she should make a full recovery. It does mean 6 more weeks of rehab on top of the four we've already spent nursing her (and it weren't cheap neither but such is life) ten weeks from when this all began is a lot of stress and work, but we'll get through it. My only wish is still that we didn't have to wait that week and Mad suffer through it, but can't change that now, only move towards a healthy future.


Finally, dropping Mad off to see the Neurologist. It seemed like she was doing better, then Monday she kind of crashed and it was as bad as ever. Been a hell of a week, we're just hoping the news isn't terminal.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fido Filler

Not much going on but taking care of Maddie, it's been a long week she's not doing very well so things have been stressful for all involved. If I could change one thing I would have been more insistent on getting in to see the specialist before the 16th, waiting over a week has not been fun, we're counting the hours until Tuesday. In the meantime, for lack of anything better to have a picture's the latest in my watching the new Sounds baseball stadium get built.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Before it was her lower back, and now she has somehow managed to hurt her neck. Though to be fair they said they aren't sure if she hurt it, or maybe the medications have caused something, or the steroids might have agitated a growth that was already there....we are going to a specialist on the 16th, until then even her little landing is too much. So we got her a crate, we'll see how this all goes.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Love Hurts

After almost 3 weeks Mad seemed pretty much healed, then we come home last night and somehow she is as bad if not worse! So this morning we are at the specialist in Nashville, waiting and worrying for results.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014


September arrives.