Thursday, June 26, 2014


It didn't take that long actually. The dogs rule the yard once more.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Here's Mom keeping an eye on the kid between feedings.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The New Chick

We came home from work to find once again our back yard has become the training ground for baby birds (I haven't documented every instance.) Unfortunately Madison likes to eat little birds, and we literally saved this one from her mouth and aren't sure if it was hurt or not. So now we get to play that fun game where we have to keep our dogs inside and walk them on leashes in their own back yard until these little buggers scram.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just Because

I took this picture by accident on my new phone while playing with the settings. I kind of like it though, so I'm posting it. Something about the blur with the sun flare and the dog toys. I dunno, but it's my blog so I can do what I want!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Armored Up

Here's the back in a Spigen Tough Armor case. I really like the industrial metal look it gives the phone.

This Is Not The Droid You're Looking For

Snicker Snack moved on to it's fifth phone today. A Samsung Galaxy S5. The reign of the Droid is over, though Android still rules.

Friday, June 20, 2014


There is a woman over at the Public Defender office that also works or volunteers at a food bank (not sure the exact story.) Apparently there are some rules about what food they receive that they can then distribute and she brings all the rejects to work. Scenes like these happen about weekly. Most of the time I can resist but that's a box of white chocolate macadamia cookies right there in the front middle. I think this is a test.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Snicker Snack's 2,000th post.

Monday, June 16, 2014

You Can't Handle The IT

Throwin' down some tech in the courthouse. (Really there to learn about the new audio / video recording software and servers they just installed.)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Oakley Front After

This thing of beauty. I really like the front plates a lot, especially the Grand Cherokee etching. Just a bit cooler than my Hemi badge, I have to admit.

Oakley Back After

The back door plate installed. Looks good but not as impressive as....

Oakley Back Before

Here's the back, no scuffing because I really haven't had many passengers back there yet.

Oakley Front Before

For Father's Day my sweet wife got me some bling for Oakley; nice steel kick plates. They aren't just for style though, if you look along the edge of the sill you can see scuff marks already scratching the paint.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Free Fire

I passed on this game when it first came out because its style didn't grab my interest and it got mixed reviews. However as a promotion for the third entry in the series, Steam was giving away part 2 for free. You can't beat that price so I grabbed it. Transistor is really fun, but as with most indie games the low price also means a short game so it's nice to have Sniper Elite waiting in the wings.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sing It Again

The shine has worn off ESO, it's just not that great of a game aside from random splashes of cool. If not for Leilani and Mari making it fun I'd have probably stopped playing it already. So mine eye has started to wander to greener pastures and I picked up Transistor, an indie game from the same people who made Bastion. Bastion was a solid game but the soundtrack was really special, and they focused on it again in Transistor. So another fun game with another great soundtrack. Can't go wrong with that formula.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Partial Angel

The Blue Angels did two fly-bys of Nashville this morning. I just watched the first one because I wanted to enjoy it (sometimes I think we miss out on experiences because we're too busy trying to take pictures of them). But the second I tried to snap with...well, not great results as you can see. Better than nothing I suppose!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Space Dragon 3

Here it is in a rendering with the rocket / fuel section attached that gets it into orbit.

Space Dragon 2

What is cool about the Dragon is that its capable of transporting seven astronauts to orbit and then soft-landing anywhere on Earth using thrusters and retractable legs with the accuracy of a helicopter. Then it can be refueled and launched again right away. That's not just in theory, here it is landing during tests. Also the first version of the Dragon has already been in space and docked with the ISS, so its been proven space worthy. That was unmanned though and parachuted back, so it's down to adding live people, how well the landing works after being in space, and how reusable it actually turns out to be. Still it's very exciting to see.

Space Dragon

SpaceX, the space faring company founded by Elon Musk, officially unveiled the future of space travel. The Dragon V2.

Monday, June 2, 2014


June. A month of changes?