Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Snow Blows

I thought we were done this.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blurry Pecker

Our favorite bird, the woodpecker. Too bad the zoom on my phone sucks.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Off Ice

It was great to see a hockey game again, hadn't for a long time, too bad the Predators were terrible. Oh well! Still enjoyed it quite a bit.


Excellent seats for the game, just a few rows from the ice.

Patròn Patrons

Mari won tickets to a Predators game from a contest at work, including dinner at the exclusive Patròn Platinum Club inside the Bridgestone Arena (only available to season ticket and executive box holders.) The food was great!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Sloga

I'm still playing Mechwarrior pretty heavily but it was time for another break. I had heard good things about another indie title called The Banner Saga so I recommended it to Mari. She got it on Steam and didn't care much for it so I gave it a whirl this week. It's rare I don't finish a game even if it's only so-so, but I got about half way through and I just couldn't do it. This might be the most boring "good" game I've ever played. I say good because there have been plenty of games so badly executed or glitch-ridden I stopped playing, but I can't think of one that was done well but was so dull I ran out of interest.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Winter Break

Perfect, sunny but not too hot day today. Maybe winter is over for real this time. This translated into an extra long walk for the dogs.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Paint One

First coat of paint on the trim applied. Touch up work and painting the door to come next weekend.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Helping Desks

The reason painting the door had to wait until Sunday. Helping the Public Defender move all of their computers today, that's over a hundred users. Luckily several other people from JIS offered to help.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ho Dor

HODOR! (Had to be done.)

New Door

All done. Looks a lot like the old one, only better. Still needs to be painted though, that will probably have to wait until Sunday.

No Door

So we're having it replaced! Once they got it out they found the floor beneath was basically just mush, so they are going to have to put some new wood in there.

Old Door

Our front door has been disintegrating for a long while. We've patched it up a time or two, but now it's too far gone and air just blows through all the gaps right into the house so we've been stuffing it with towels.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Office Space

This is what my office looks like now. I couldn't find any pictures of what it looked like before. Not sure about the carpet tiles. I think the wall color is called Government Grey.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Marching towards the end of the polar vortex. Good for both getting out of the cold weather which I have grown tired of, and for not having to hear the term polar vortex anymore.