Monday, January 28, 2013


Mystic. Because Mad got some press earlier and I must be fair.

Getting Hip

Class done. They also did bloodwork, discharge planning and a few other things. I was very impressed with the class, it was well done, answered a lot of questions, and we learned a lot. The biggest being we don't have to clear out the living room and turn it into a bedroom, in fact just the opposite. They want you doing stairs and staying upright as much as possible. The day after the surgery they already have you up and doing PT.


We've arrived at Baptist and gone to the 8th floor where the Joint Replacement Center is. This display greets you just outside the doors. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing to see what they are planning on sticking in you.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Getting everything ready for the Total Joint Replacement Class tomorrow at 9:30. Paperwork, directions, etc. It will be good to have this done so we know what to expect and what things we will need / what we need to do to the house to get everything ready. We want to get out of this holding pattern and start preparing.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekend Update

Haven't posted in a while, haven't had a lot of photo ops present themselves. So here is Madison, valiantly watching the birds on the birdfeeders in case a squirrel invades which she will dutifully chase off. She spends a lot of time doing this.

Work is quiet. I'm in the midst of a long book and a long game so no updates there, most of our efforts are focused on Mari's impending operation so we're keeping it pretty low key. That's about it!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Zero Dark 20

They are doing electrical work in my building this weekend and were supposed to have a generator to run our server room but only half of the room stayed up. So into work I had to go to figure out what line they had missed. At least the elevators were still powered, but it was strange to be in the office with everything pitch black.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Is back! 2013 is go.

Cover Wolf

After a small delay this year's wolf calendar has arrived, the only problem is it's bigger than usual so I can't seem to get a good picture angle.Oh well.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

No Mo Ho

Christmas gets packed up for another year.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


If you see this and think Skyrim, you might be a gamer.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Out Of The Dark

Finished my first game of 2013, Darksiders 2, and it was every bit as good as the first one. Unfortunately THQ, the company that puts it out, filed for bankruptcy so we'll see if the the other two horsemen (or maybe that should be horsepeople since one is a woman in this particular universe) will get their story told.