Sunday, September 30, 2012


No, I didn't spend this week playing a game we bought for Payton while he was here. Nope.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dream Big

Just finished off this two part series called Dreamblood. It's fantasy set in an Egyptianesque world. Really good.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Never Leave Early

I don't post much on sports, but this was the craziest, most entertaining game I've seen in while. It ended in OT with the Titans winning 43-41. But in an already crazy game, with 18 seconds left and the Titans up by 14, the Lions scored twice! Including an onside recovery and a Hail Mary that never works...working!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello Halo

Halo is one one of the biggest franchises in gaming, the first one came out in 2001, and the series has gone on to make billions. Yeah, that's with a B. Somehow, being the hard core gamer I am, I never played any of them. Well they re-released the first one for the 360 so I remedied that, pretty good now, but it must have been mind blowing 11 years ago.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pieces Of Flare

Whenever I have a slow picture week I can always fall back on either puppy pics or space, in this case space delivered. This entire picture is amazing to me. It was taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory of a solar flare's filament. Just shows how beautiful and violent the sun is, and for a sense of how big we are in the universe, all of Earth is about the size of a spec inside that filament.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

More Payne

Max Payne 3. Always liked this series, but 3 was done by a new studio which can always be dicey. Luckily, not the case, this turned out to be nicely crafted and really fun.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Strangeness Of Truth

Usually I don't go much for Non-fiction, and then it's always been the biography of some person I'm interested in. This book got some strong reviews, and the blurb sounded interesting so I picked it up, and it didn't disappoint. The author is really good and making it almost read like a fictional story, but it's all true and footnoted with his sources. Amazing that these characters and events really happened.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Four More

Sucked in by Clinton's speech yesterday, we decided to watch the DNC today. Biden was surprisingly good and Obama was solid as ever, but Bill stole the convention. Anyway, here's hoping it worked and we avoid a Mittastrophe

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still Hoping

I wasn't much interested in watching the DNC, but we happened to turn it on during Bill Clinton's speech and gave it a minute...then ended up watching the entire thing. Clinton still knows how to throw down a speech, it was amazing. I was going to use my own picture, but then took this from the Huffington Post because it let me capture Elizabeth Warren in there too. I've read a lot of good things about her, kind of wish I had watched her speak now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


September. Because we can't afford any more August.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ending Labor

Another visit come and gone, but we'll be seeing them soon in Florida!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Continuing Labor

Payton watching as Lonnie plays "Toy Story 3" on the XBOX. They also let me drive their new Mazda 3, which I wish I had gotten a picture of. Nice car, I've added to my list of possibles when it's time for the Infiniti to be traded in.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Starting Labor

Lonnie, Amanda, and Payton have come up for the three day weekend. It didn't take long for the games to be broken out in various forms.