Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vet Set

Vet visit for Missy, she's OK. First the biggie, the lump was just a harmless fatty deposit. The doc said it was fine, we could remove it or not. We probably will, but later when she needs something else done like her teeth, best to do anything that requires sedation all at once. Couldn't find anything wrong with her leg, the lump wasn't the cause as it's not near any muscle or nerve that would be relevant. She probably strained it somehow, it's not as bad today. Some anti-inflammation meds and she's ready to go.

Friday, June 29, 2012


We got home to Mystic limping around pretty badly, but she seems fine otherwise. We felt around on her haunch, near the leg that's gimpy and there's some kind of lump that wasn't there before. She's never been hurt or sick before, kind of reminds you that life is precious.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Stairway To Heaving

So I learned a few things when I showed up to work on Monday morning and found all the elevators were out. On the plus side I learned I can actually walk up 20 flights of stairs, which not being exactly the picture of fitness I honestly wasn't sure I could. On the minus side I learned my knees hate me. I learned working on the 20th floor sucks. I learned there is a directly proportional correlation between how many stairs you have to walk and how heavy your laptop bag gets.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Braving The Heat

Beating the near 100 degree heat in a cool movie theater. Pretty good, but not great movie.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Caller Four

Snicker Snack moves on to phone number four. I've made a new banner each time, guess I'll have to work on that.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


This is just a test of my new phone. It is only a test. If it had been an actual post, there would be something vaguely interesting here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reading Is Super

He loves books and video games. Kid's off to a good start.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Seeing Red

Lonnie, Amanda, and Payton are in town and we're hitting up Red Robin. (You can't say that without thinking "Yummm" in your head.)

Friday, June 8, 2012

No Phone

Well it's been two weeks and we still don't have phones. All those wire conduits are new, I guess they forgot to throw a phone line in there.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Public Transit

The Transit of Venus took place yesterday, hope you caught it or else you'll have to wait until December 2117. Or you could just look at pictures on the Internet, like this one.

Monday, June 4, 2012


The back in the office with power and a slightly musty smell from a water leak edition.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bring On The Zombies

The cover story is I was tired of trying to coordinate with our flaky pest control company, so I decided to just learn how to do it myself. Much, much cheaper and I can usually schedule an appointment with myself like I ask myself to do, and not just randomly show up then complain the gate is locked and charge us for the visit anyway. I got this mask for when I'm mixing the poison powder into sprayable liquid. The real reason behind all of this is I wanted the mask for my Zombie Apocalypse kit and needed a good excuse.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Still Powerless

Still no power back to the building, and latest rumor has us not coming back until Tuesday now. Today's trucks are from some place called SimplexGrinnell with the moto "Be Safe" whatever they do. 

(Later googling reveals them to "provide a comprehensive array of fire alarm, fire sprinkler, fire suppression, and integrated security.")