Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bow Chow

You know you're having a slow month when changing to a new dog food is an exciting highlight. Well that's not completely fair. I also discovered a new favorite book series, and there was the whole heart murmur thing. How easily I forget. I guess stuff happened, just not a lot of photogenic stuff.

Monday, August 29, 2011

More Than Meets The Crappy Michael Bay Movies

Good enough to cleanse your soul of the evil Mr. Bay unleashed on your favorite childhood cartoon. A little too short though. And they made Jazz a console-only DLC, which was really annoying. Though possibly only to me.

Friday, August 26, 2011


A rather boring, uninspirational week ends as a rather boring, uninspirational week should. With 98 degrees and the AC out in the building.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Really good stuff. And that's the kind of deep, eloquent commentary you've come to expect here at Snicker Snack.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Spent about 30 minutes wired up while they did a sonogram of my heart. Was kind of fascinating to lay there and watch it beat on the monitor. Anticlimactic though, no news until they go over the results.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bright Future

I got sunglasses too. Old on the left, new on the right.

Second Sight

Glasses are in. Old on the left, new on the right. No really, they're totally different.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Shocking

Better than the original in every way. And I really liked the original so that says something.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Making A Spectacle

Seems I can't get away from doctors lately. The specs are four years old, time to get them updated.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Oh, The Murmurings Of My Heart

So, as you may recall I was quite sick a while back. When I went to get checked out for that the Doc discovered I have developed a heart murmur. Who knows how long I've had it. As I mentioned here, I don't go very often. She didn't want to tackle that until I was completely over said sickness, so today I was back to do the tackling. Doesn't seem serious, the Doc isn't concerned and I trust her. Still, on this coming Thursday it's EKG time to nail down exactly where/what it is. Updates to follow.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Breakin' (Minus Leg Warmers)

Not doing much other than reading and working this week, as the ole' blog reflects. This was a quick read, solid post-apocalyptic tale.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Second Wind

Tore through this. Slightly not as good as the first, which is still to say excellent. The only bad news is I found this series two books in, and the third has no release date. It took him three years between one and two. Really don't want to wait three years to find out what happens next!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hangin' With Lewis

As a bonus for getting the oil changed at Trickett early on Saturday mornings, you get to watch them film their commercials and meet Lewis. So naturally I only get the oil changed early on Saturday mornings. I mean if you've got to do it, why not be entertained in the process?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Not A Bad Change

Saw another one with Jim and Trish. I must have low expectations in general, I notice I've said "I wasn't expecting much" a lot in the past. Same deal here, but it turned out to be funny. (Editor's Note: In case the picture doesn't ring a bell, the movie was "The Change-up.")

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good Name

Really, really good. If you like fantasy read it, love it, thank me later.

Monday, August 1, 2011


The "it's too damn hot" edition.