UPDATE: In a never before seen result, the wishbone split perfectly in half and in equal length. It was therefore decided both wishes would be awarded this year.
The holiday rush begins with Mari going out of town next weekend, us going out of town the weekend after that, and the Atlanta Irelands coming for an early Christmas the week after that.
Getting out of work at noon culminates in giving thanks for good friends and good food at La Ha. It didn't occur to me to take a picture while I was there so you get my receipt, handsomely displayed on a backdrop of the new Tron cover of Wired.
After yesterday's post Mari pointed out that 99% of the pictures I have of dogs on here are of them asleep. So this is to prove that they do actually move around, and bark, and do stuff. Also that Mad is part robot.
Even though I'm a "car guy", I don't usually post car stuff. This though....This is the 2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 "Inaugural Edition". It's gorgeous, and it even comes in my favorite color. Dark blue with the twin white stripes. I love my Infiniti, but this is automotive ecstasy. So here it goes into the blog, for posterity. Because I can.
That cluster of trees is the Bicentennial Mall as seen from one of my office windows. All day we kept hearing sounds like someone was pounding on the windows, which would be impossible 20 floors up. Turns out it was cannon fire for a Civil War living history re-enactment. My guess was window washers, live cannons not really the first thing that jumped to mind.
Here we have a dead cockroach in the middle of my office walkway. Instead of wadding it up in a paper towel and tossing it aside, someone thoughtfully made a little sign and taped it to a bent paper clip, then added some tasteful flowers. I like this so much because I complain about this place being completely banal, so a little splash of something silly or imaginative is welcome.