Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fly View Two












It doesn't hurt the camera on my new phone is pretty darn good.

Fly View One












Can never get enough of how pretty butterflies can be, nature's art is unmatched.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Foot Baller












The Paralympics have been amazing so far, but nothing has captured our attention more so far than watching Matthew Stutzman, a man with no arms, win the gold medal in archery. Truly astounding what people can accomplish.

Sunday, September 1, 2024











Got them election jitters, keep on holding that breath. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Mehb















Tore through the second in the three game Mafia series I got. This one was a little longer than the first but not in a good way. Most of that was just busywork. The second one was no where near as good as the first. Story not as good, voice acting not up to par, and somehow even though it's several years newer the graphics were worse. So, let's hope the third one is better!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Let The Games Continue

The 2024 Summer Paralympics begin today!


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Joining The Mob









Back in 2020 the first game in the Mafia series was released. There are three now, but I never played any of them. They got decent to middling reviews but I always had better options. Well Steam just had a special deal to get all three games for 14 bucks. That's a lot of gaming on the cheap, how can I pass that up? The first one was dinged for being short and I agree, I finished it in two sittings. If I had paid 60 bucks for that back in the day I probably would have been let down. The game was decent, but the voice acting and plot were very good so that elevated it a bit. On to part 2!